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Item Perfil epidemiologico das neoplasias do colo uterino (in situ e invasoras) diagnosticadas na cidade de goiânia: análise de 17 anos (1988-2004)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-10-28) ALMEIDA, Fábio Marques de; MOREIRA, Marise Amaral Rebouças; the epidemiological profile of in situ and invasive neoplasias of the uterus cervix in Goiânia during the period from 1988 to 2004. Methodology: The cases were identified in the Population Base Register of Cancer database of Goiânia. The studied variables were: age, histological type, extension of the disease and mortality. Analysis was done by central tendency in which the incidence rates were calculated by age, extension of the disease using Census population data and the standard population of Segi; for the mortality analysis the data were extracted from Mortality Information System. Results: We identified 4446 cases of in situ and invasive neoplasias of the uterus from the period of 1988 to 2004. Histopathology was used in 91,9% of the cases; average age was 40 years old for the in situ neoplasias and 52 years for the invasive ones (DP ± 13 and 14 years old, respectively). There were 2213 (58,28%) in situ cases, 1603 invasives (41,8%) and, in 633 cases (14,2%), it was not possible to verify their extension. The annual rate of percentage change (AAPC) for the in situ incidence was 13.08% (IC 95% 9.75 16.50; p<0.0000) per year and1.27% (IC95% -1.74 4.37; p<0.3862) for the invasive cases. The standard mortality rate was 12.2 and 8.2 per 100,000 in 1988 and 2004 respectively, with an AAPC of -3.02 (IC95% -5,36 -0,62; p<0,0172). Squamous cell carcinoma was found to be the predominant histologic type. A reduction of the Adenocarcinoma incidence in situ was not found nor was found a significant change of the Adenocarcinoma invasive; the squamous invasive cancer did present a considerable reduction of 2,85 per year. Conclusion: It was observed that the most frequent invasive tumors were the squamous cell carcinomas and Adenocarcinomas. Data did not demonstrate a rise in the diagnosis of invasive neoplasia, although there occurred an increase of diagnoses of in situ neoplasias. Mortality has demonstrated a tendency of reduction, suggesting that improvements of the tracking programs have changed the incidence or uterine cancer, though it has not yet accomplished all its objectives. Keywords: cervical cancer, uterus, epidemiology, frequency, extension, incidence, Goiânia, Brazil.Item Isolamento, identificação e suscetibilidade in vitro de fungos causadores de onicomicose(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-02-24) ATAÍDES, Fábio Silvestre; SILVA, Maria do Rosário Rodrigues; is the nail infection caused by a wide spectrum of fungi species, including yeasts, dermatophyte and filamentous fungi nondermatophytes (FFND). In this work, patients with lesions nails from Dermatology Department in Clinics Hospital of the Federal University of Goiás were studied. These patients were submitted to mycologic tests and the etiologic agents identified were evaluated on in vitro activity for systemic antifungal agents. During the period of March 2008 to March 2009, 114 patients clinically suspected of having onychomycosis were examinated. The nail samples collected were submitted to direct examination with potassium hydroxide 20% and grown in dextrose Sabouraud agar and specific fungal pathogens agar. The antifungal susceptibility test was performed according to the method of broth microdilution, recommended by the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), through M38-A and M27-A2 documents. The onychomycosis diagnosis was established in 83.3% (95/114) patients, of which most were women between 40 to 59 years old. The isolated fungi were identified as yeasts in 54.6%; dermatophytes in 28.7%; and filamentous fungi nondermatophytes in 16.7%. Among yeasts, Candida parapsilosis was the most common etiologic agent (52.5%); among dermatophytes, Trichophyton rubrum was the most found (74.2), and among the filamentous fungi nondermatophytes, Fusarium spp was the most isolated genus (44.4%). Both distal and lateral subungual lesions were predominant in cases of onychomycosis by all the agents identified, showing that there was no correlation with the clinical presentation and etiology. Although most of the isolates have showed susceptible to several antifungal agents studied, five Candida spp strains were resistant; one to voriconazole, one species to itraconazole and three to amphotericin B. The in vitro susceptibility testing profile for dermatophytes was similar for each antifungal agent analyzed. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of itraconazole, ketoconazole and griseofulvin for 50% of isolates were lower than 1 μg/mL, and terbinafine was extremely low, with concentration 0.015 μg/mL for 90% of isolates. The MIC for itraconazole in 90% isolates of FFND was 16 g/mL, while for amphotericin B and voriconazole was 8 g/mL. In summary, this study showed a higher frequency of onychomycosis in women. Candida spp and dermatophytes with FFND emergence, especially of the genus Fusarium, were the main fungi involved. Besides, the presence of resistant fungi to some antifungal agents showed the need of using susceptibility tests for these fungi.Item Prevalência do Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH) em uma População de Crianças e Adolescentes Índias da Etnia Karajá.(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-02-04) AZEVÊDO, Paulo Verlaine Borges e; CAIXETA, Leonardo Ferreira; studies have been carried out worldwide about ADHD among indigenous children and no study has been conducted in Brazil so far. This study aims to evaluate the estimated prevalence of ADHD among the indigenous populations of Karajá children and adolescents aged 7 to 14 years old. Three of the largest settlements pertaining to this ethnic group were investigated and a sample of 144 subjects of a total population of 350 individuals was collected. The sample was randomly collected and stratified according to the age bands and gender (male and female) proportionally to the size of each participating settlement. Both the CBCL/6-18 (Child Behavior Checklist for ages 6 18) and the TRF (Teacher s Report Form 6-18) were used as instruments of epidemiological tracking of behavioral and emotional problems. Of these instruments, the data used were those compatible with the DSM-IV and ADHD diagnoses as well as Affective Disorder, Anxiety Disorders, Oppositional Defiant Disorders and Conduct Disorders comorbidities. The results indicate a prevalence of 10.4% (95% CI 6.6 14.2) when the respondents are either the parents or the guardians and 2.8% (95% CI 0.7 4.8) when the respondents are the teachers. Of the 144 interviewed participants, 30 had ADHD and comorbidities were 86.7% (95% CI 74.5 98.8) for conduct disorders, 86.7% (95% CI 74.5 98.8) for oppositional defiant disorders, 83.3% Abstract xxviii (95% CI 70.0 96.7) for anxiety disorders and 60% (95% CI 42.5 77.5) for affective disorders. ADHD is then concluded to exist in a population so culturally diverse from that of the east white and to have a high prevalence rate and the comorbidities routinely found in all populations of children from a number of diverse cultures around the globe.Item Prevalência de fatores de risco cardiovasclar em idosos usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde em Goiânia-GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-12-08) FERREIRA, Carla Cristina da Conceição; PEIXOTO, Maria do Rosário Gondim;; BARBOSA, Maria Alves; cardiovascular risk factors (CVRFs) are highly prevalent in and have an impact on elderly people s morbidity and mortality which is still unknown among elderly users of the National Health System (SUS). Objective: to investigate the prevalence of CVRFs in elderly basic care users in the Goiânia, Goiás SUS. Methodology: a cross-sectional study with multi-stage sampling; a household survey of 418 people over 60 years old who were SUS basic care users in Goiânia. Socio-economic, demographic, lifestyle, weight, height, waist circumference, blood pressure and medication use data were collected. The CVRFs under investigation were arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, total obesity, central obesity, dyslipedemias, smoking, sedentarism and alcohol consumption. The Chi-square test was used to analyze associations at a 5% level of significance. Results: the prevalences for CVRFs were 80.4% for arterial hypertension, 83.3% for central obesity, 59.8% for sedentarism, 32.2% for total obesity, 23.4% for dyslipidemias, 19.1% for diabetes mellitus, 10.0% for smoking and 5.9% for alcohol consumption. As far simultaneity is concerned, 2.4% of the elderly did not present any CVRFs. The simultaneity of three or more CVRFs occurred in 65% of the elderly people in the study and was more frequent among women. Conclusion: the CVRFs occurred simultaneously in more than half of the elderly under study. The most prevalent CVRFs were arterial hypertension, central obesity and sedentarism. It is necessary to intensify health promotion and cardiovascular disease prevention strategies among elderly users of SUS basic care in Goiânia, mainly among those with CVRF simultaneity.Item Aspectos epidemiológicos da infecção por leptospira spp em caninos urbanos de Araguaína, Tocantins, Brasil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-12-22) GALVÃO, Samara Rocha; FIORAVANTI, Maria Clorinda Soares;; JAYME, Valéria de Sá; study aimed to investigate the prevalence of anti-Leptospira spp, identify the most prevalent serovars and to assess possible factors associated with Antileptospire seroprevalence in urban dogs in Araguaina city,Tocantins state. A cross-sectional study covering the canine population residing in urban areas was conducted. Household collection of sera was performed by prior consent of the dog owners. The houses that were involved in the study were drawn previously it started. There were analyzed 275 samples at total. Samples were obtained through cephalic vein puncture, with a 25 x 7 needle and then transferred to 5 to 10 ml test tubes with gel separator sequentially centrifuged, cryopreserved and sent for laboratory diagnosis of leptospirosis, at the Department of Veterinary Medicine at Federal University of Goiás Veterinary Medicine School (DMV / EV / UFG), which were processed by the microscopic agglutination test. In each household, a questionnaire was applied to obtain data on the possible associated factors that were analyzed by bivariate analysis. The leptospira seroprevalence detected was 13,8%, the most prevalent serovar was Castellonis (26.3%) and, Pyrogenes and Pomona, both with 10,5% of seropositive. The search for factors associated with infection by leptospira demonstrated statistically significant positive association between the variables season, rainy season (p = 0,03) and the location Sonhos Dourados (p = 0,02). The results showed that Araguaina city canine leptospirosis presents a different epidemiological profile of most Brazilian regions surveyed.Item Aspectos epidemiológicos da leishmaniose visceral canina nas regiões administrativas Lago Norte e Sobradinho II do Distrito Federal - DF(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-08-31) NASCIMENTO, Geovani San Miguel; JAYME, Valéria de Sá;; ANDRADE, Maria Auxiliadora; study aimed to determine the prevalence and epidemiological aspects of canine visceral leishmaniasis in Lago Norte and Sobradinho II, administrative regions of the Federal District. Census surveys were conducted in four localities of the Federal District where the data were collected and blood sampled from 5,551 dogs in Lago Norte and from 272 dogs in Varjão and from 836 dogs from Bananal and Engenho Velho communities in Sobradinho II. We evaluated age, sex, breed, presence of clinical signs, wooded homes, the presence of the garden, organic material, home situation and the presence of chicken in the properties. The sera samples were submitted to indirect immunofluorescence test (IFA), and samples with reagent titers greater than or equal to 1:40 were considered positive. Prevalences of 6.66% (17/255), 13.13% (44/335), 15.40% (61/396) and 22.32% (1013/4538), were found in Varjão, Engenho Velho, Bananal and Lago Norte. Regarding age, 10.90% (70/643) were aged up to one year, considered a young population, 22.40% (619/2763) were at one to six years of age, considered as a middle-aged population, and 24.00% (297/1236) were older than six years of age, corresponding to old animals. Regarding the presence or absence of clinical signs, 30.31% (238/785) had some clinical changes and 18.61% (846/4544) showed no clinical changes. One can conclude that this canine visceral leishmanias is distributed in different regions of the Federal District being the location, the age and the presence of clinical changes the highest risk factors The knowledge gained on the prevalence of leishmaniasis in dogs will allow the establishment of effective strategies for control actions.Item Características epidemiológics e clínicas dos pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca atendidos no Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-10-29) NOGUEIRA, Patrícia Resende; RASSI, Salvador; failure (HF) is a complex syndrome in which several risk factors are involved in its genesis, making it difficult to its prevention and management. Objectives: To identify the etiology and risk factors associated with HF frequently found in patients treated in a referential clinic in the state of Goiás, to compare the clinical and demographic characteristics of these patients, to analyze the treatment used is in accordance with the established guidelines for the management of HF in Brazil. Methods: A retrospective, descriptive and observational study of medical records of patients with heart failure treated in 2008 at the Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Goiás. The analysis through means the Chi-square test (χ2) and Fisher's exact test was used to compare demographic and clinical characteristics of patients and forms of treatment according to the main etiology of HF. The One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Kruskal-Wallis test were used for quantitative variables. Results: 144 medical records of patients were analyzed, with a mean age 61 ± 15 years, 54.2% were male. Chagas cardiomyopathy was the main cause of HF (41%). Hypertension (48.6%), anemia (22.9%), coronary artery disease (19.4%), dyslipidemia (17.3%) and diabetes mellitus (16.6%) were the most frequent risk factors. There was no significance between patients of different etiologies as the ejection fraction, functional class (NYHA), diastolic blood pressure, 3rd heart sound, edema, jugular venous distension and anemia. Females had higher prevalence of hypertensive cardiomyopathy (p = 0.044). The pulmonary rales were also more frequent in this group (p <0.01). Heart rate was lower in patients with Chagas disease (p <0.001). The prescribed drugs were diuretics (81.2%), angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor Abstract xii blockers (77.7%), beta-blockers (45.8%), spironolactone (35.4%), digitalis (30.5%) and vasodilators (8.3%). Conclusion: Chagas cardiomyopathy was the main cause of HF. The most frequently risk factors identified were hypertension, anemia, coronary artery disease, dyslipidemia and diabetes mellitus. Patients with different etiologies of HF differed a little in clinical characteristics presented. The treatment used was shown to be consistent with the recommendations in the guidelines for HF.Item Análise das condições de saúde ocular da população atendida no centro de referência em oftalmologia do hospital das clínicas/UFG(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-12-06) ROCHA, Maria Nice Araujo Moraes; ISAAC, David Leonardo Cruvinel;; ÁVILA, Marcos; are few studies of epidemiological research in of Ophthalmology with the population of center-western Brazil. In order to identify the prevalence of the of eye diseases in the region, and specifically in Goiania and Goiás, that impact on blindness and visual impairment, this study analyzed 10,060 records randomly selected from patients seen at the Reference Center for Ophthalmology School of Medicine Federal University of Goiás ((CEROF/UFG), in From April 2009 to March 2010. There was a profile analysis of ocular morbidity in the target population in relation to disease group, acuity, age, sex and region of origin. The study also covered the distribution of queries in the four quarters of the year, elective and urgent, and the degree of visual impairment in the bands visual impairment and blindness. The predominant diseases in elective care in relation to the total sample of 10,060 patients were cataract (7.24%), pterygium (6.77%), allergic conjunctivitis (3.70%), dry eye (3,36%) , diseases of the retina and vitreous (3.23%), strabismus (2.64%) and glaucoma (1.94%). In urgent care were the most prevalent extraocular foreign body (25.5%), infectious conjunctivitis (23.6%), keratitis and and corneal ulcer (11.3%), pterygium and pingueculite (5.3%) and sub conjuntival hemorrhage (4.0%). There was higher prevalence of sex female (63.1%) and ages between 0-14 (26,8%) years and 40 to 49 (20,8%) years in elective consultations. In urgency consultations there was more prevalent of male (64.84%) and ages between 15 and 39 (51.06%) years in clinical urgency. Refractive errors were recorded in 43.08% of queries being found more astigmatism (40.02%) followed by hyperopia (36.54%). Were determined rates of low vision within the parameters of World Health Organization (WHO). The results were compared with other studies in Brazil and abroad, aiming to define the reality of the regional profile of eye health, as an aid to prevention strategies, recovery and treatment through health policies and government's own guidance service studied, the CEROF/UFG. It follows that both elective care and emergency at CEROF/UFG is similar to that found in southern and southeastern Brazil and in most developed countries of the world.