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Item Escrita, repetição e elaboração(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-06-20) CARVALHO, Maria Alice de Sousa; BURGARELLI, Cristóvão Giovani; thesis is linked to the Post-Graduation Program in Education, in Faculty of Education, at Federal University of Goiás, in the search line Fundamentals of Educational Processes . Resorting to psychoanalysis, that, since the initial studies of Sigmund Freud, seeks to build references to establish, from the analytical practice, a theory of the subject, it proposes to consider the advent of this subject as effect of the significant, being that, to develop such preparation, it will be required an articulation between significant chaining and instinctual investment, it means, between body and language.Children s activities, such as games, jokes and learning as written language, are not only playful, imitative and / or knowledge to be acquired, but are related to the subject, always involved with the structural problem of its existence. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to discuss about this effect, just to recognize the effects of this plot in the acquisition of writing, especially at school. The study initially presents the theoretical assumptions about the structure of the subject. Then, it discusses the theme of repetition and elaboration, taking up the perspective of both Freud and Lacan, who served as the basis for the analysis of children writing. In methodological issues, we used data from ongoing research in this thesis, Around the letter: writing, reading and transmission, and examples observed in the practice of literacy, developed at the Center of Teaching Applied at Education, in Federal University of Goiás (CEPAE / UFG). This thesis also has examples from films which, although not directly approach specifically the writing or its acquisition, establish relations with this theme. In the end, considerations indicate that, as a child writes with unidentified features, several letters and letters of his name, for example, it is outlined a process of subjectivation of unconscious brands. Therefore, it can be recognized in the acquisition process of written language a perspective of elaborationItem Leitura e escrita na narrativa de Osman Lins(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-05-27) RIBEIRO, Renata Rocha; CAMARGO, Goiandira de Fatima Ortiz de; study deals with two aspects in Osman Lins fictional narratives: the reading and the writing. Both aspects are seen in the plot level and in the characters level, in four Lins narratives: O visitante (1955), Nove, novena (1966), Avalovara (1973) e A rainha dos cárceres da Grécia (1976). Our objective is to verify as Lins approaches the reading and the writing in his narratives, under the perspective of a kind of accumulation of these subjects, from the first to the last Lins narratives. To carry out this work, we divide it in two parts. The first one is composed by two chapters, in which we discuss the reading and the reader, the writing and the writer in theoretical, critical and historical texts, such as Eco, Chartier e Dällenbach, among others. We also see some literary texts that represent these subjects. In the second part of this study, we analyze the reading and the writing in Lins narratives, considering a dialogue with the critical studies about this author and his essays. From this analysis, we observe that the author accumulates the reading and the writing aspects throughout his narratives, from O visitante to A rainha dos cárceres da Grécia.Item Produção colaborativa de textos escritos em língua inglesa: um estudo de caso(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-06-06) WOBETO, Ricardo; FIGUEIREDO, Francisco José Quaresma de; thesis aims to investigate and understand the collaborative production of written texts in English during the conduct of activities in pairs of students in the classroom. For this study three activities were selected: comic, family vacations (jigsaw) and textual reconstruction (dictogloss). The survey was conducted with a group of eight students from intermediate level of proficiency studying in a private language school in the city of Anápolis, Goias, in the second semester of 2011. The sociocultural theory, in the light of studies developed by Vygotsky and his collaborators, was used as the main theoretical support for the development of this study. As for methodology, the present work is configured as a case study. The principles of qualitative research were used to analyze the data collected after the implementation of collaborative activities between students. For a better understanding of collaborative dialogues constructed by the participants to carry out the proposed activities, the quantitative approach was also used in data analysis to determine and compare the types of strategies mediations, negotiations and corrective feedback by the participants and their occurrence in each collaborative activity. After each activity, participants shared, through semi-structured interviews, their views and perceptions about the collaborative process of textual construction in pair of students, detailing about the strategies used by them to overcome the difficulties encountered along their interactions. The collaborative dialogues, produced by participants, were audio-recorded and later transcribed and analyzed. The results of this study demonstrate that collaborative activities are profitable in the process of learning a foreign language, because, through dialogue and interaction in collaborative tasks, knowledge can be co-constructed in the target language. Furthermore, we observed that collaborative activities provide participants with a more active role in the search, development and construction of linguistic knowledge necessary for the construction of written texts in English. We also observed that the comic activity offered greater opportunity for students to use different types of mediating strategies to achieve its main goal: the construction of written dialogues between the characters of the comic activity.