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Item Conformação corporal e bioquímica sanguínea de cadelas adultas castradas alimentadas ad libitium(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-12-15) GUIMARÃES, Patrícia Lorena da Silva Neves; STRINGHINI, José Henrique;; BORGES, Naída Cristina;; FIORAVANTI, Maria Clorinda Soares; obesity is a physical condition more frequent in each time in the population of pets, being able to contribute for the sprouting of systemic alterations capable to compromise the health of the animals. Ahead of the displayed one, this experiment was developed in the Veterinarian Hospital of the Federal University of Goiás, with 26 adult female dogs, castrated and without defined brand, they had been fed with commercial diet ad libitum, during 36 weeks, and had biweekly accompaniment of the nutritional state by means of clinical parameters (body condition score - BCS), morphometrics (abdominal perimeter, thoracic perimeter, thigh perimeter) and for the equations for determination of the percentage of corporal fat and index of corporal mass (IMC1=weightkg/height of withersm; IMC2=weightkg/hight of withers2 m; IMC3=weightkg/spine lengthm; IMC4=weightkg/spine length2 m). The metabolic accompaniment was carried through, monthly, by means of evaluation of the serum biochemistry (glucose, urea, creatinin, albumin, triglycerides, total cholesterol and HDL). The objective of the work was to verify the associations between the morphometrics variables and the serum biochemistries, by means of the multivariate analysis of main components. In the results, bigger association between corporal weight was perceived, thoracic perimeter and of thigh. Moreover, associations between the IMC3 and IMC4 were verified, respectively, by abdominal perimeter and BCS. The percentage of corporal fat was antagonistic to the perimeter of the thigh and corporeal weight and was associated to BCS and IMC4. Related to the serum biochemistry, associations between glucose and creatinin had been observed; and between the total cholesterol and HDL. Antagonism of the albumin with triglycerides, total cholesterol and HDL was verified. Moreover, the percentage of weight gain and the urea texts had been inversely proportional to the concentrations of glucose and creatinin. The present study allowed to conclude that the morphometric, especially the measure of thoracic perimeter and the classification of body condition score constitute efficient methods of monitorament of the corporal conformation, and also, to conclude that, dogs submitted to the weight gain for a short period of time, had been capable to develop compensatory mechanisms of keeping the homeostasis of metabolism, keeping the biochemical concentrations inside of the values of reference.Item Reparação de feridas cutâneas incisionais em coelhos após tratamento com barbatimão e quitosana(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-02-25) Lima, Caroline Rocha de Oliveira; SANTIN, Ana Paula Iglesias;; PAULA, José Realino de;; SILVA, Luiz Antônio Franco da; veterinary medicine, skin injuries represent a significant casuistry and require expensive therapies, considerable recovery time and often lead to unfavorable resolution. To establish an effective therapeutic protocol it is essential that the professional has a solid knowledge of the healing dynamic, as its phases, triggered events, features, as well as about the biological potential of the healing process coadjutants. Regarding these ones, it is known that phytotherapy has a wide range of botanical specimens with healing potential, and, among them, the barbatiman, native species of the Brazilian cerrado, by its antiseptic and astringent activities, becomes an attractive option for skin injures therapies. The chitosan biomaterial also has potential as coadjutant of the process, once it accelerates the triggering of the healing stages by its immunomodulatory property. To clarify the mechanism proposed by these agents, numerous tests are developed using laboratory animals, in order to give reliability to the therapy modality established. To follow clinical evolution in vivo, the clinical examination becomes essential, while morphometric analysis provide accurate data regarding the percentage of centripetal contraction of the lesions. Finally, the microscopic analysis is used to analyze the ultrastructure of the injured site, predominant kinds of cells in each stage and microscopic events triggered on the search for the morphofunctional restoration of the affected tissue. Considering it, with the development of this study it was aimed to evaluate the activity of 5% barbatiman cream (CB) and 5% chitosan cream (CQ) based therapeutic formulations, on the healing process of incisional skin wounds undergone healing by secondary intention, with rabbit as experimental model. In the first chapter it was performed a wide and detailed literature review about the topic of the study, which involved description of the target tissue, skin, hysiopathology of the healing process, barbatiman phytotherapic and chitosan biomaterial activities as healing coadjutants, use of laboratory animals in scientific research and evaluation methods of skin therapies. In the second chapter, it was tested the therapeutic activity of CB and CQ on healing of incisional cutaneous wounds with rabbit as experimental model, by daily clinical evaluation and morphometric analysis performed on days three, seven, 14 and 21 post-injury. There were performed four wounds on each animal, totaling 40 rabbits. Daily, all lesions of each animal received a specific topical therapy, which lasted for 21 consecutive days. First, we performed the antiseptic with 0.9% sodium chloride solution e and further applied treatment protocols themselves. In one of the protocols employed in cream barbatiman (CQ) in another cream chitosan (QC), and these were formulations tests. In the third protocol was the use of allantoin cream (positive control) and finally the cream neutral vehicle (negative control I). In other injury effected only without topical antiseptic and associated 0.9% sodium chloride solution (negative control II). The results showed that the CB and CQ contributed to the satisfactory progress of the healing process. Although there has been no statistical differences in the contraction percentage between the two treatments (CB and CQ), it was clinically observed that the wounds treated with CB showed better clinical responses than CQ. In the third chapter it was comparatively performed, by clinical and microscopic evaluations, the analysis of the action of CQ and CB in the wounds of the same animals that received the treatments from chapter two. For histological analysis, there were considered the predetermined period for morphometry and the samples were evaluated regarding the prevalence of polymorphic and mononuclear infiltrate, presence of necrosis, crust, granulation tissue, fibroplasia, angiogenesis, collagenization and skin reepithelialization. From the results obtained it can be affirmed that the activities attributed to barbatiman and chitosan contributed similarly to the satisfactory progress of the healing process, once both treatments did not differ significantly for any parameter considered in this study. It is suggested that therapeutic protocols chitosan and barbatiman based provided acute inflammation reduction, as much as promoted fibroblast activation, early development of connective tissue, neovascularization and tissue reepithelialization, providing proved effective and economically viable alternatives in the healing process.