Seleção de recursos por duas espécies de besouros bruquíneos do gênero Gibbobruchus na planta hospedeira Bauhinia Curvula Benth
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The process of host-plant selection is the main interface in the herbivore-plant
interactions, with deep consequences for the ecology and evolution of those groups. In
this work, we investigate some steps of the host-plant selection in two congeneric
species of seed beetles. In the first chapter, we assess the oviposition pattern and larval
survival in the seed-beetle G. cavillator to evaluate whether oviposition site choices
maximize offspring survival, accounting for the spatially hierarchic structure of the
system. In the second chapter, we analyze the fine-scale positioning of G. speculifer
eggs, and explore the role of geometric constraints in the egg distribution patterns.
Altogether our results exemplify how small differences in key traits of the host-plant
selection can lead to significant differences in the interaction between herbivore insects
and their host plants.
BERGAMINI, L. L. Seleção de recursos por duas espécies de besouros bruquíneos do gênero Gibbobruchus na planta hospedeira Bauhinia Curvula Benth. 2013. 61 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ecologia e Evolução) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013