Artes integradas: a Arte na construção do conhecimento
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This research intends to study theoretical models that work and research the integrated arts. The work intends to emphasize historical, conceptual-philosophical, pedagogical and methodological aspects that structure the artistic integration, in addition to seeking relationships with the Brazilian educational context today, investigating the adequacy to our reality.
From the literature review of authors such as the philosopher John Dewey, who is considered the precursor of integrative thinking (1859-1952), with Art as Experience ([1934] 2010) and Experience and Education ([1938] 1976); Elliot Eisner (1933-2014), The arts and the creation of mind (2002) and What can education learn from the arts about the practice of education? ([2002a] (2008) and Howard Gardner (1943 -) with the work Multiple Intelligences ([1983] 2011). North American authors who research and practice the integrated arts were also brought in to dialogue and present concrete theoretical-practical possibilities, such as Bresler (1995; 2007), Burnaford et al (2001; 2007); Aprill (2010), Marshal (2014; 2015), Deasy (2003), among others.
A deepening of the question requires that the propositions be analyzed from the understanding of concepts such as interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity and integration, differentiating from the concept of integrated arts. Thus, we highlight the studies on interdisciplinarity and integration based on the works of Ivani Fazenda (1941-), Hilton Japiassu (1934-2015) and Julie T. Klein (1944 -), among other authors. The paradigm shift, which is so necessary, is highlighted in the study of complex thinking, transdisciplinarity and the various levels of reality, based on the works of the philosopher Edgar Morin (1921-) The well-made head: rethinking reform, reforming the thought (2004), from the work of Basarab Nicolescu (1942-) in his The manifesto of transdisciplinarity (1999) and Maria Cândida Moraes and Saturnino de La Torre (undated) with the work Sentipensar: fundaments e strategies to re-enchant education (2004), among other authors, as a way of clarifying integrative practice and understanding the relationship between thought and action.
This work also brings reflections from what was recently established by the document of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), which introduces the integrated arts in a simple and decontextualized way and without pointing out any theoretical basis that can establish its practice, giving rise to imprecise interpretations, the that does not contribute to their development in the educational framework. Ana Mae Barbosa (1936 -), among other authors, will be important to contextualize art in Brazil and the integrative processes that occurred, but that soon dissipated. Authors of Cultural Performances such as Schechner (2006; 2011), Robson Camargo (2006) among others, present an interdisciplinary theoretical contribution, highlighting important points in the practice of integrated arts. Finally, this work also presents the scarcity of research on the subject and some aspects that can structure artistic integration, outlining a form of integrative practice and planning as a proposal for the integrated arts within Brazilian schools.
FARIA, A. F. Artes integradas: a Arte na construção do conhecimento. 2022. 287 f. Tese (Doutorado em Performances Culturais) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.