Avaliação de ações educativas em saúde com grupos de gestantes: estudo comparativo entre Unidade Saúde da Fa- mília e Unidade Básica de Saúde
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The main goal of this study is to evaluate the implementation of educational activity within a pregnant women group developed at the Family Health Unit and Basic Unit of Health Health education groups such as: pregnant women educators auxiliaries accompanying people were adopted as target population; and the environment where the meetings took place was contextualized as well For data collection were used a spreadsheet forms and a camp diary The methodology was divided into six phases: documental analysis of the programmed context identification of the pregnant women identification of the educators educational technologies record educational-pedagogical methodologies and group dynamics subjects oral evaluations record and results categorization On the results were described: the subjects of study (who are the pregnant women? Who are the educators?) the dynamics of work of the group dynamics of interpersonal relations the team s participation on health education and records of oral evaluations from all subjects involved on the educational activity on group structure. The study made it possible to consider that the educational actions developed in groups of pregnant women at the Family Health Unit and Basic Unit of Health has shown significant differences what drives us to the conclusion that professional specially from the Family Health Unit which is a model of health system reorientation need to review their educational practice developed within groups of pregnant women
BORGES, Cristiane Jose. Valuation of educational activity Health within a pregnant women group: comparative study between Family Health Unit and Basic Unit of Health. 2005. 159 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Cuidado em Enfermagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2005.