O inconsciente nos primeiros textos de Freud: aparelho de linguagem, aparelho de memória e aparelho psíquico

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This thesis aims to contribute to the discussion on the concept of the unconscious by seeking to understand it in early Freudian thought, in the so-called pre-psychoanalytic texts. To do so, the study reflects on how Freud, in his text On Aphasia (1891), configures the psychic apparatus as a “language machine” and the role played by the association of representations in the constitution and triggering processes of an unconscious nature. In discussing this issue, it tries to situate the fact that language is not only a product of the operation of this apparatus, but rather what institutes it. Based on the discussion of the associations of representation the language device is seen throughout as a memory device, characterized by a web of mnemonic records. The proposed reflection seeks to define the peculiar characteristics of the processes which operate in the unconscious. Therefore, the study focuseson The Interpretation of Dreams(1900), where Freud takes up the concept of memory developed in Letter 52 (1896) to show that the unconscious (Ucs) and the preconscious (Pcs) are two ultimate mnemonic records of the psychic apparatus. In the light of these texts, the study sets out to establish that the pre-conscious and unconscious processes are analogous to the primary and secondary processes listed in the Project for a Scientific Psychology (1895). The main source of research for this study derives from a careful and critical reading of Freud's writings.



SANTOS, Dayanna Pereira dos. O inconsciente nos primeiros textos de Freud: aparelho de linguagem, aparelho de memória e aparelho psíquico. 2013. 96 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.