Análise da gestão nos distritos sanitários em Goiânia - uma proposta de descentralização

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The Sanitary Districts are the extension of the central level of the Municipal Health Department in the Health Units which are part of the process of decentralization of the municipal management. To develop assistance continuously in a solvable way it is necessary that the manager and the teams in the units and Sanitary Districts know about the flows, that partnerships are established and agreed upon. In this study we aimed to diagnose elements of the work developed in the management of the Sanitary District in the Municipal Health Department in Goiânia, Goiás. We used a descriptive exploratory research methodology with professionals working in the health field who carried out duties of directors and supervisors in the seven Sanitary Districts of the Municipal Health Department in 2011. A well-structured interview was used to collect data. Thus it was organized in a way that allowed its analysis in the SPSS 15.0 program. Data were coded to proceed with the descriptive analysis based on the theoretical frame of reference. This study was assessed and approved by the Ethics Committee for Human and Animal Research of the Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Goiás, under Protocol number 031/2009. Twenty managers of various professional categories who represent 95% of the district directors, took part in the research at the time of the study. The results show that most managers are female between 31-50 years old, and are graduated from private universities for more than 10 years. 80% of them have active employment whereas 90% exert their management under exclusive dedication. The political appointment is the aspect which influenced 55% of the management positions. 80% of the managers participated in specific training in management. Amongst the management activities considered important, the team management was cited by many, whereas the planning was devalued. From this study we intend to consolidate proposals of ongoing training, reinforcing the aspects appointed as weak and those which are essential to good management.



SOUZA, M. C. H. S. Análise da gestão nos distritos sanitários em Goiânia - uma proposta de descentralização. 2012. 201 f. Dissertação (Programa de Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2012.