Qualidade de vida do auxiliar e técnico de enfermagem em UTIs
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The speed of the changes which has occurred in the globalized world has interfered with Quality of Life (QOL) of the majority of people and it tends to influence on their performance as workers People who care of human beings can be affected and have their attending quality compromised The purpose of this research was to assess the QOL of nursing paraprofessionals of Intensive Care Units (ICUs) It is a descriptive and exploratory study developed in ICUs of four public hospitals in Goiânia, Brazil A number of 125 nursing paraprofessionals were submitted to quality of life assessment using the World Health Organization instrument named WHOQOL 100 This specific version covers six domains: physical health psychological level of independence social relations environment spirituality / religion / personal beliefs The statistical analysis used the Kruskal Wallis Jonckhere Terpstra and Median tests The subjects were in the majority female young adults married and with two children catholics They also have more than two jobs and have been working more than five years in ICUs The analysis of each domain score showed that almost all of them had an average score higher than the medium point (12) The mean highest score was the Spirituality/Religiousness/Personal beliefs Domain (17,18) followed by the Level of Independence Domain (16,53) by the Personal Relations Domain (14,85) by the Psychological Domain (14,55) by the Physical Health Domain (13,55) and finally by the Environment Domain (11,95) The answers which evaluated the General Quality of Life got the average score of 14,27 The score of the Environment Domain was influenced by the dissatisfaction with the financial situation and the public transportation system as well as worries concerning to their physical safety They considered themselves satisfied with their home environment and their opportunities to get new skills and information The pain manifestations and the physical discomfort contributed to the reduction of the mean score of the Physical Health Domain but it did not interfere in the amount of energy used to perform everyday activities nor the sleeping quality The catholics considered themselves more worried with pain and physical discomfort than the evangelical ones In the Psychological Domain evaluation the self-esteem and physical appearance were positively determining The women had higher scores than men regarding positive thoughts In the Social Relation Domain the satisfaction with the family support and friends as well as with the sexual activity were evident mainly among the married ones
SALLES, Eunice Pereira de. Quality of life assessment of nursing para-professionals of Intensive Care Units. 2005. 124 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Cuidado em Enfermagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2005.