Abordagem CTS no ensino médio: um estudo de caso da prática pedagógica de professores de biologia

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The object of this research is to apprehend (the) demonstration of science-technology-society (STS) interrelations during biology s teachers pedagogical practice from public school supported by the state of Goiás in Goiânia city. Since this research is about the practice of nine teachers of three schools seeking to highlight the complex relationship between teaching formation and the STS approach it was developed on a case study model. In order to construction of data, official documents which propose secondary school curriculum - exploratory questionnaire, semi structured interview and class notes were analyzed. To make the triangulation of the data possible, four analysis categories were used which are professional profile, aspects of pedagogical practice related to teaching methodologies, conceptions about the STS interrelations and STS demonstrations during pedagogical practice. The analysis also made possible the development of themes to elucidate aspects that are intrinsic to the approach of STS interrelation. The focus on STS interrelations is presented in official documents about secondary education by signs which demonstrate the need of problematizing a contextualized and interdisciplinary education. However, it is still notable some gaps on the approach and on the ambiguous concepts that allows practices that will perturb the achievement of goals of the proposed approach. As regards the concepts of teachers about the STS interrelation, it was elucidated that these interrelations are justified by the salvacionista s association of science, in linear interpretation of progress with technological innovations and therefore guaranteed by scientific-technological neutrality. Concepts that relate the use of technological artifacts as indicative approach of STS interrelation in educational field were also evidenced. Moreover, it was noticed in the teachers testimony, individual motivations that signs clearly the aspects needed to make focus on STS possible, including the need for a change in curriculum facing interdisciplinary practices.



SILVA, Karolina Martins Almeida e. STS approach in high school: a case study of pedagogical practices of biology teachers. 2010. 161 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Agrárias) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.