Um estudo sobre o lirismo contemporâneo em Ruy Espinheira Filho: inspiração, emoção e subjetividade

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The poet Ruy Espinheira Filho has been considered, commonly, as the “lyrical par excellence”, which awakens in us the opportunity to investigate what peculiarities the lyrical and how this concept applies to the author's poetry. Based on this idea, this research aims to investigate what is traditionally known as lyrical and what makes Ruy Espinheira's poetry to be read as lyrical poetry. In order to understand what the lyric is and how it is configured in the work of the author studied, we propose an investigation about subjectivity, which links feeling and reflection, having as a starting point the literary period of Romanticism. Our initial hypothesis is that by giving more emphasis to the individual and subjectivity, romantics contributed to the consolidation of what we treat as lyrical. For our research, we will start from important authors for Romanticism, such as Hegel (1993), Friedrich Schlegel (2016) and Victor Hugo (2007). Based on the theory of Jean-Michel Maulpoix (2000) we will show how the concept of lyric has consolidated itself over the years and has become confused with the concept of poetry itself. From this discussion, we will approach the concept of contemporary in order to delimit the space-time in which the author analyzed here is inserted. In order to address the concept of contemporary, the writings of Giogio Agamben (2009), Magnus Enzensberger (2003), Afonso Berardinelli (2007) and Karl Erik Schøllhammer (2009) will be essential for this research. Furthermore, to understand how the lyric is performed in modernity and contemporaneity and, more specifically, how we find it in Ruy Espinheira Filho's poetry, we will use Octavio Paz as a theoretical foundation to deal with modern lyric and Celia Pedrosa (2001) and José Guilherme Merquior (1997) to deal with the lyric in contemporary times. Finally, we will use the criticism about Ruy Espinheira, as Ivan Junqueira (2005) and Iacyr Anderson Freitas (2001), in order to observe how the poet makes use of subjectivity and creates a poetry notably “lyrical par excellence”.



MARTINS, P. C. Um estudo sobre o lirismo contemporâneo em Ruy Espinheira Filho: inspiração, emoção e subjetividade. 2022. 137 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.