Trabalho análogo ao de escravo rural no Brasil do século XXI: novos contornos de um antigo problema
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The objective of this paper is the study of rural labor analogous to slavery in Brazil of the 21st century. The goal of the research is to analyze the concept, characterization and the current mechanisms to combat this legal, social and economic phenomenon. Since some of the main obstacles to eradicating slavery-like working conditions are the absence of a precise concept of the phenomenon and the difficulty of its characteristics, this paper seeks to introduce the concept and identify the main features of this slavery-like labor, in hopes of contributing to its elimination. According to this paper, the concept of working conditions analogous to slavery outlined in article 149 of the Brazilian Criminal Code, with the wording of Law nº 10.803/2003, is broader than the concept of forced labor conceived by International Labor Organization. Thus, concludes this paper that the Brazilian Criminal Code´s Laws prohibit labor that is either forced or degrading, in essence using the concept of human dignity as its basis for outlawing all forms of modern slavery. This paper also concludes that although Brazil has achieved a prominent position in the fight against slavery-like labor, the legal mechanisms currently in existence to combat contemporary forms of slavery are not sufficient to solve the problem, a problem that is not only legal in scope, but also economic and social. Therefore, this paper defends the use of land expropriation as a mechanism to combat rural working conditions analogous to slavery for two reasons. First, because it represents the main instrument to implement agrarian reform, and, second, because land expropriation constitutes a penalty to the rural property owner who, ignoring the social function, forces workers to labor under slavery-like conditions. This paper uses the deductive method, relying on a qualitative research conducted from a bibliographic review of part of the available legal literature on the subject and from documents obtained in civil investigations and civil actions conducted by the public labor prosecutor.
SILVA, Marcello Ribeiro. Rural labor analogous in Brazil of 21 st century: new contours of an old problem. 2010. 280 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Sociais Aplicadas - Direito) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.