Desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para mensuração da participação do agronegócio na economia: uma aplicação para o estado de Goiás

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This master thesis analyzes the representativity of the value added of the agribusiness and their aggregates in the Goiás’s economy. First, we sought to build a Input-Output Table, based on the Table of Resources and Uses of Goiás/2008. From the results of the Input-Output Table, it was possible to determine the relevance of each agregate in relation to the agribusiness sector. Moreover, with the results of the Input-Output Table it was possible to calculate the multiplier effects on employment and income, indexes of forward and backward linkages, identifying the key sectors for the economic development of Goiás state. Finally, we analyzed the transactions of Goiás with the rest of the world and with other Brazilian states. The results showed that the share of agribusiness accounted for over a quarter of the value of all economic activities that form Goiás’s GDP (27.6%), reaching an amount of R$ 18,161 billions in 2008.



MARQUES, Dinamar Maria Ferreira. Desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para mensuração da participação do agronegócio na economia: uma aplicação para o estado de Goiás. 2013. 116 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronegócio) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.