Tecnologias inclusivas e leitura entre pessoas com deficiência: a realidade das bibliotecas públicas da região metropolitana de Goiânia
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
It discusses the use of inclusive technology in public libraries in the Metropolitan Region of the city of Goiânia/Goiás in training readers and promoting reading practices for people with disabilities. Among the inclusive technologies, priority is given to social and assistive technologies Social Technology produces, in a dialogical way with the community, methods and techniques that aim to change a given social reality in the search for quality of life. These movements enhance and value the knowledge of each individual in favor of the collective. Over time, and with changes in society, people with disabilities have managed to occupy previously inaccessible spaces and territories, since including the other is a process that encourages us to accept the different. Art, culture and knowledge welcome these differences by developing inclusive activities through cultural equipment, such as the public library. Therefore, inclusive technologies are an important part of promoting inclusive cultural activities. Therefore, this research sought to answer the following problem: Do public libraries located in the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia have some kind of Social Technology for training readers and promoting reading practices for people with disabilities? This is an exploratory research with a qualitative approach. The instrument used in data collection was the questionnaire, however, when continuing the research, the interview through phone calls and simple observation helped to understand the minutiae contained in the questionnaire responses. The Metropolitan Region of Goiânia has 20 municipalities, but only 11 have public libraries, the other 9 cities do not have libraries or were recently closed with no forecast for reopening. The eleven municipalities make up a total of 17 libraries. The invitation was sent to 17 libraries, but only 11 answered the questionnaire. The results show that people with disabilities attend the spaces, but the frequency is low, this factor may be connected to the sense of belonging. It is concluded that public libraries in the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia walk without structure and support. At
other times, it is believed that the factor that paralyzes them in time is the lack of motivation and knowledge of the innovations that arise within the library area, such as Inclusive Technologies, since these techniques can help the public library to get out of inertia with low-cost methods and techniques for training readers and promoting reading practices for people with disabilities. Involving the community is, therefore, essential for the initiation of successful practices in these innovative undertakings of social transformation.
FARIA, K. R. Tecnologias inclusivas e leitura entre pessoas com deficiência: a realidade das bibliotecas públicas da região metropolitana de Goiânia. 2023. 236 f. Tese (Doutorado em Comunicação) - Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação , Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.