Um Componente para Geração e Evolução de Esquemas de Bancos de Dados como Suporte à Construção de Sistemas de Informação
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
An Information System (IS) has three main aspects: a database that contains data which is processed to generate business information; an application functions which transforms data in information; and business rules which control and restrict data manipulated by the functions. An IS evolves continuously to follow the corporation changes, and the database should be change to attend the new requirements. This dissertation presents a model driven approach to generate and evolve IS databases. A software component, called Especialista em Banco de Dados (EBD), was developed. There are two mapping sets for database generation: from Modelo de Meta Objeto (MMO) (used to representing IS) to Relational Model (RM), and from this to DBMS PostgreSQL SQL dialect. The component EBD is a part of a framework for modeling, building and maintaining enterprise information systems software. This component provides services to other framework components. To validate the proposed approach, Software Engineers had developed IS using the component EBD. The Dissertation main contributions are an approach to support IS database life cycle, a software architecture to generate and evolve IS database schema,
an IS data representation model (MMO), a mapping specification to generate schema and stored procedures and the definition of automated operation sets to evolve IS database schema.
ALMEIDA, Alexandre Cláudio de. A Component to Generate and Evolve Database Schema Supporting Information Systems Constrution. 2010. 144 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Exatas e da Terra - Ciências da Computação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.