A propriedade intelectual no direito agrário: a tutela jurídica da exploração econômica dos conhecimentos tradicionais associados à biodiversidade

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The potential cost-effective generated by biological diversity misrepresented the sense and value of traditional knowledge associated with biodiversity, intensifying exploitation and destruction of natural resources, notably in developing countries. Protection of biodiversity is regulatory framework of the Convention on biological diversity, with three main objectives: biodiversity conservation, sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits derived from the use of natural resources, through their appropriate access and transfer of relevant technologies. Another band, the international intellectual property system, embodied by the TRIPS Agreement, expressed through its institutions, notably the WTO and WIPO, by application of the system of patents to traditional knowledge, legalising the expropriation of elements of biodiversity, what is termed the "back of Columbus". This work you want to check each one of the main points of these two models of protection of traditional knowledge, discerning possible alternatives present on the international scene. Accordingly, the approach is highly theoretical, having as main conceptual the thinking of Fritjof Capra, his work "the Web of life", which implies recognizing that biodiversity has an intrinsic value. The search will seek to identify the lines category nature demarcatórias, while discussing unsustainable current model of economic development, result of Cartesian rationalism. Will performed consulting agreements and international documents, comparing the positions of several authors and institutions involved.



FURTADO, Fabrício Ribeiro dos Santos. Intellectual property in agricultural law: the legal protection of economic exploitation of traditional knowledge associated with biodiversity. 2010. 202 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Sociais Aplicadas - Direito) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.