Uma abordagem baseada em modelos para construção automática de interfaces de usuário para Sistemas de Informação
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
Building user interfaces for Information Systems (IS) involves modeling and coding appearance (presentation) and behavioral (interaction) aspects. This work presents a modelbased approach to building these interfaces using tools for automatic transformation of models and for interface code generation. The proposed approach applies the concept of Interface Stereotype, introduced in this work, which identifies, in a high level of abstraction, features of user interface (UI) appearance and behavior, independently of the underlying IS application. A taxonomy of interface elements is proposed as the basis for stereotype definition, along with a interface behavior specification mechanism, which allows expressing actions and restrictions on the stereotypes by precise, objective and independently from the interface implementation platform. It is also proposed a architecture for a software component which manages model-based user
interfaces building. The architecture defines how this component can be integrated in IS development process.
The approach for model-based user interface development proposed in this work brings benefits in effort and cost construction terms, facilitating the maintenance and the evolution of user interface of IS. Futhermore, the use of stereotypes promotes consistency and standardization of both presentation and behavior of interfaces, improving usability of IS.
Interfaces de usuário para sistemas de informação , Modelagem de interface de usuário , Estereótipo de interface , Construção automática de interfaces de usuário baseada em modelos , User interface of Information Systems , User interface modeling , Interface Stereotype , Model-based User Interface automatic building , Modelagem de interfaces de usuário; Construção automática; Desenvolvimento baseado em modelos
COSTA, Sofia Larissa da. A model-based approach to user interfaces automatic building for information systems. 2011. 105 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Exatas e da Terra - Ciências da Computação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.