A formação pedagógico-didática de professores de biologia na perspectiva da didática desenvolvimental

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Teacher formation is a dynamically constituted field of knowledge and practice that is linked to other fields and dimensions of society, such as the economic, political, social and professional. When organizing teaching, teachers need to go through an education process (initial and continuing) that allows them to become aware of pedagogical-didactic work as praxis and as an emancipatory possibility, and therefore intentional. This teaching also aims to provide students with a critical and creative appropriation of scientific knowledge, historically constructed by humanity and transposed into school knowledge. However, it is a great challenge to think about and carry out a pedagogical-didactic education process that allows for content-form unity between the ways of teaching and learning scientific knowledge. Given the complexity of teacher education, the aim of this research was to understand the ways of organizing teaching in didactic-pedagogical education for Biological Sciences undergraduates, based on the perspective of Developmental Didactics, which promotes the process of conceptual appropriation of the content-form unity of Biology. Using historicaldialectical materialism (HDM) as a research method, an empirical investigation was carried out through a didactic-formative experiment in the optional curricular component “Topics in Biology II: Varied Themes - The teaching of Biology thought biologically and pedagogically”, in the academic semester of 2022, at a Brazilian federal public university. The data analysis was based on the dynamics of Developmental Didactics and the categories of the DHM. It emerged that the students were engaged in study activities during the course and that organizing and developing the teaching and learning process, from this theoretical perspective, makes a significant contribution to teacher formation. The thesis was put forward that in the formation of biology teachers, didactic-pedagogical work, organized from the perspective of Developmental Didactics, makes it possible to problematize the content-form unity between the ways of teaching and learning biological knowledge and the pedagogical activities intended for this purpose. The research carried out showed that in the actions developed by the students during their didactic-pedagogical formation, there is evidence of the conceptual appropriation of the content-form unit by the undergraduates, enabling them to have a more comprehensive and critical education. It also contributes to rethinking didactics in higher education and the pedagogical work of teacher education in undergraduate courses.



SOUSA, R. M. A formação pedagógico-didática de professores de biologia na perspectiva da didática desenvolvimental. 2024. 217 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação em Ciências e Matemática) - Pró-reitoria de pós-graduação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2024.