Estudo sobre a inserção do musicoterapeuta na Equipe Multiprofissional da rede estadual de apoio a inclusão de Goiás.
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This research masters, developed in the graduate program in music of EMAC-UFG, in the
line of research on music education and music therapy. Sought to verify the possibility of
entering the professional music therapist in Multiprofessional Team from the Secretariat of
education of the State of Goiás, to expand the actions developed through speeches
musicoterapêuticas, enjoying the support and guidance schools met. It is believed that through
music and its elements, used a musicoterapêutica approach, it is possible to develop positive
relationships between students and teachers, family, favouring, qualitatively, the school
environment. The theoretical reference is based on interdisciplinary studies in education,
music therapy, Systemic Theory and studies about groups and teams. Qualitative character
search based on case study using the participant observation, interventions music therapeutic
and semi-structured interviews and data collection instruments, a sustained listening
multidirectional performance music therapeutic mediating observations, actions and
understandings about school context as a whole. Unable to experience the routine work of
Multiprofessional Team, and identify difficulties as the disarticulation and contraposition of
speeches that permearam the educational environment as well, to identify actions which the
music therapist can develop to be inserted in it. Expanded the field of professional music
therapist, allowing his performance in different spaces with diverse clienteles. Breaking
paradigms was possible through the Systemic Theory and complex thought that aggregates
the disciplines and sees school as a living organism in constant transformation.
GOMES, Carolina Gabriel. Study on the insertion of music therapist in Multiprofessional
Team network supporting the inclusion state of Goiás. 2011. 132 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Linguística, Letras e Artes) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.