Coro cênico: estudo de um processo criador

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


ABSTRACT The experiment herein pertains to the kind research-action founded on Renè Barbier (1996), in which the phenomena of the process are observed and analyzed both phenomenologically and qualitatively. The theme presented, SCENIC CHOIR: STUDY OF A CREATING PROCESS, caters for the need to carry out research and validate the work of a scenic choir. A choir of this kind, the former “Coral da Cidade” (Portuguese for “City’s Choir”) was conducted some time ago, an experience in which the importance of the work on the musical education of the participating subjects was verified, as well as the benefits brought about by the choir. Today, what is intended through this research is to legitimate this former pilot project, assessing the subject’s exposition to this creating process, in which the introduction of the scenic element into choral perfommance is believed to provide a better vocal performance in the final result of the process. In order for this experiment to be carried out, the Scenic Choir of the UFG (Federal University of Goiás), supported by the Pro-Dean’s Office of Extension and Culture (PROEC) and the School of Music and Scenic Arts of the UFG (EMAC/UFG) was created. The methodology used consisted of both pre and post tests by means of data collection, which sought to assess the vocal and perceptive development of the participating subjects. All the rehearsing sessions were videotaped in an attempt to register the experiment, later analyzed by a jury constituted by two observers. The jury watched and analyzed these footages in the search for elements which would ground the argumentation of this research. The findings were also evaluated by means of statistic data, which allowed for the questioning of the validity and efficiency of the applied tests, thus proving a significant change in the performance of the subjects. A justification of the developed actions was sought by resorting to note-taking of the applied didactics during the experiment. Also told during this research was the story of the “Coral da Cidade”, a groundbreaker of the scenic choir movement in Goiânia, so that its important artistic and cultural participation in our city were rightly registered and documented. The documents proving the veracity of the facts which took place, as well as the scores used in this experiment are also available for appreciation. Finally, from this experiment, the Scenic Choir is put forth as a choir mode, which is defined as follows: an interdisciplinary activity between the scene and the voice, carried out in a ludic way, with psychological dimensions aimed at self-realization and better vocal performance.



AZEVEDO, J. C. B. Coro cênico: estudo de um processo criador. 2003. 101 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Musica) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2003.