Dimensionamento do pessoal de enfermagem da clínica cirúrgica de um hospital universitário da região Centro-Oeste

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This descriptive quantitative study aimed to evaluate quantitatively and qualitatively the nurse staff in a surgery clinic unit at a school hospital in Brazilian Center West Region. Search subjects were all the inpatients of a surgery clinic unit in the period of data collecting. The project followed the terms of the Resolution 196/1996 and it was approved under Protocol nr. 032/2008. Data were collected from September to October 2009, during 30 consecutive days. One used the design method used was that proposed by Gaidzinski (1998). It includes an impatient classification stage concerning to nurse care dependence. Fugulin instrument (2002) was used. The parameters of COFEN Resolution 293/2004 were used for establishing assistance hours and percentage distribution of each professional category. Absenteeism rates were determined by Gaidzinski s definitions and equations (1998). The inpatients were daily classified in an amount of 1464 evaluations in that period. From them, 53.7% needed minimal care; 39.3% intermediate, 5.9% high dependence, 9.9% semi-intensive and 0.2% intensive care. The determined technical safety index in this study was 58% for nurses and 68% for middle level professionals. Among previewed absences, weekly holiday ones showed the highest rate, 40%. Among not previewed ones, the higher index was for medical licensees: 0.8% for nurses, 3.0% for technical nurse assistants and 1.5% for trainees. Technical nurse assistant showed the higher index for not planned absences (7.5%). The designed scale had 29 nurses and 62 technical assistants. It was noted that the number of nurses corresponds to 27.6% of the designed ones and the middle level professionals complete the table, which shows a deficit of 30.4% in the staff. The rate of registered nurses found in this study is far below what is recommended by COFEN and this may compromise assistance quality and improve adverse events occurrence as well length and costs of hospital stay. A reduced amount of professionals in the team may have negative consequences on nurse staff health, which could increase absenteeism. This search considered that is no denying the importance of design staff as a management instrument and indicator to consider the amount of nursing human resources. However, it cannot grantee alone attendance quality. One needs also actions concerning to planning and implementation of strategies of Continuing Education as well motivation work processes that may give to nurse team more satisfaction in work environment in order to get a continuum improvement in patient assistance.



CUNHA, Claudia Cleinne Barcelos. Nurse staff design in a school surgery nurse college, in brazilian center west region. 2011. 97 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Cuidado em Enfermagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.