Barreiras ao sucesso da implementação da indicação geográfica no arranjo produtivo local do açafrão de Mara Rosa - GO
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
With a cultivation model based on the traditions of the region, the saffron of Mara Rosa, which has adapted well to
the climate and lands of the region, made possible a unique production of the spice, so the producers came together
and within the actions of the cooperative members for expansion, it was requested and granted the creation of the
Geographical Indication of Saffron of Mara Rosa. However, the research in the APL pointed out that the certification
has not been implemented so far, so the present text, which is divided into three chapters, aims to identify in general
the barriers to the successful implementation of the GI in the Mara Rosa-Go APL. The methodology was descriptive,
composed of semi-structured interviews with APL actors. The analysis of the data from the face-to-face meetings was
based on the relevant interview questions (Content Analysis) which dealt with the activities that are carried out in the
routine of rural producers and the reflections and evaluation on how these were processed. Configuring itself,
therefore, as a qualitative approach. The results pointed to issues related to land tenure, lack of labor, in addition to
the producers' difficulties in complying with the technical standards imposed by the cooperative, from planting to
delivery of saffron for processing.
APL , Indicação geográfica , Produtores , Açafrão , APL , Geographical indication , Producers , Saffron
COSTA, Rhynaldo Ribeiro da. Barreiras ao sucesso da implementação da indicação geográfica no arranjo produtivo local do açafrão de Mara Rosa - GO. 2022. 113 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronegócio) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.