Cultura organizacional como apoio à institucionalização de processos de software
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
Many organizations are applying efforts to improve their software processes, in face of the
premisse that states that the quality of the processes used to develop and maintain software
has a major influence over the products generated. These efforts are typicaly in the form
of software process improvement (SPI) initiatives, with the general objetive defining
and/or improving software processes, as well as institutionalizing them. Nevertheless,
once it involves changes in the way of work of organizations, SPI provokes changes in
organizational culture, and is impacted by this culture. This is reflected in SPI literature,
that presents organizational culture as a critical success factor in SPI implementation.
The focus of this research is the investigation of the correlation between organizational
culture and the effectiveness of SPI initiatives. In order to do this, two fundamental
questions were considered: (a) how the culture of an organization can influence the
degree of institutionalization of a defined/improved software process, and (b) what can
be done to increase the degree of institutionalization of a defined/improved software
process, once this institutionalization involves a cultural change. To accomplish this,
a case study was conducted in two software organizations (where only one of them
institutionalized its software process) with the purpose of analysing how their cultural
profiles may have influenced in these different outcomes. It was also conducted a search
to identify recommendations for cultural change in Organizational Culture literature.
The application of these recommendations was evaluated in a comparative way in both
organizations. Additionaly, a survey with SPI implementors was also made, in order to
identify the degree of application of these recommendations in the organizations they
have worked. With this research, cultural elements that may have relations whit software
process institutionalization were identified, as well as recommendations that can derive
actions to modify the elements that are considered resistance factor to the adoption of
software processes defined/improved in SPI initiatives.
1. Software - Melhoria de processos;
2. Institucionalização - Processos de
3. Cultura organizacional , 1. Melhoria de Processos de Software , 2. Institucionalização de Processos de Software , 3. Cultura Organizacional , 1. Software process improvement , 2. Software process institutionalization , 3. Organizational culture
FERNANDES, Patrícia Gomes. Organizacional Culture as a Lever to Software Process Institutionalization. 2010. 201 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Exatas e da Terra - Ciências da Computação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.