Atenção básica ao pré-natal e puerpério no estado de Goiás

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica- National Programm of Improvement to Acess and Quality of Basic Attention- (PMAQAB), proposed as an evaluation tool of organizational performance by the Ministry of Health (MOH), is nowadays, an evaluation strategy of accessment and usage of these services by the user. The objective of this study is to analyze the actions of Primary Care services to prenatal and postpartum Health in Goiás State. This is a descriptive cross-sectional study, recut of MS´ national research what made the evaluation to Basic Attention to Health in the country, linked to the first cycle of PMAQ-AB/2012 evaluation.The data collection in the national bank of research, referring to Goiás State, was held in 2014, from the selection of plenty prenatal care and postpartum treatment, answered by health professionals and users of these services. The survey covered 1.216 Primary Care services, from the 246 cities in Goiás State, who answered to the Census PMAQ-AB /2012. From these services, 712 has participated in the survey with 677 health teams who went through the external evaluation process. Thus, 677 professionals and 368 users of these services had participated in the analysis of this research. The most part of these services are Health Centers/Basic Health Units (517; 72,7 %) and those offer prenatal and postpartum (562; 83%). The 368 service users had presented the average age of 25,6 years, age group between 18 and 49 years; 98,4 % said to know reading and writing ; 49,7% said be a mixage of race ; 84,5% live with a partner; 53,3% have family income between one to two minimum salaries. In relation to accessment and organization of the services, 87% of users considered satisfactory the opening hours for the service; 90,2% reported that the appointments occurred in order of arrival; 61,2% rated the service as good host; 20,7% managed to immediate care by gynecological problem; 360 (97,8%) women had prenatal care in their last pregnancy, with the majority held in the unit where he was interviewed (234; 63,6%), between six and nine consultations (226; 61,4%) with medical professionals (214; 91,5%) and nurses (151; 64,5%); Most urine tests performed (229; 97,9%), HIV/AIDS (228; 97,4%) Syphilis (221; 94,4%), glucose (195; 83,3%) and ultrasound (218; 93,2%), with a waiting time to seven days (55 to 63%); 147 (62,8%) did not participate in educational activities; 198 (53,8%) underwent outpatient consultation labor review, most (78,8%) with the doctor and small portion in the household (5%) of community-agent business (32,3%). The services of Basic attention to prenatal and postbirth in Goiás State, has presented an adequated infrastructure related to information management resources, drugs, biopharmaceuticals and laboratory support. However, the organizations of the work process raises challenges for health professionals and assume efforts to managers of services to better accommodate the spontaneous demand of scheduling appointments, eliminate institutional barriers to access, promote more inclusive and comprehensive care to pregnant women and puerperty women to guarantee qualified and humanized obstetric care.



SODRÉ, R. L. R. Atenção básica ao pré-natal e puerpério no estado de Goiás. 2015. 101 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Saúde Coletiva) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.