Análise da competitividade de laticínios em Goiás
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
Based on the economic and social importance of the milk production chain for Brazil and the state of Goiás, specifically, and given the lack of research that points out which factors (internal to companies, market structural and systemic) most affect the competitiveness of Brazilian dairy agroindustries, this study aimed to analyze the competitiveness of dairy products in the state of Goiás. The specific objectives were to characterize the milk production chain in Brazil and in the state of Goiás, identify the degree of concentration of the dairy sector in Brazil and test a theoretical model of relationships between internal, market structural, systemic factors and competitiveness. of dairy products in the state of Goiás, under the theoretical perspective of systemic competitiveness proposed by Coutinho and Ferraz. Secondary data sources were used to characterize the sector, and to identify the degree of market concentration at the Brazilian level. The test of the theoretical model of hypothetical relationships was performed based on primary data collected from a non-probabilistic convenience sample of 27 respondents. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results show the numbers of the dairy sector in Brazil, the prominent position of the state of Goiás on the national scene and the growth of milk uptake by dairy in recent years. Overall, the results indicated a moderate degree of concentration of the dairy industries in Brazil, based on the calculations of the CR4 and CR8 Concentration Ratio indices and the Herfindahl-Hirschman index (IHH). Finally, the analysis of the empirical data through the MEE indicated that of the three natures of factors tested as independent variables, only the structural market factors positively affected the competitiveness (dependent variable) of the researched dairy agro-industries. The results have positive implications for the companies investigated regarding the reformulation of strategies and the improvement of the decision-making process. To the literature, the study contributes by expanding knowledge about the competitiveness of the dairy agroindustry in Brazil, and by making available to future studies on the subject an empirically validated research scale.
BERNARDES, N. R. Análise da competitividade de laticínios em Goiás. 2022. 116 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronegócio) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.