A experiência da adesão ao tratamento pela mulher com HIV/aids
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The high effectiveness of the combined antiretroviral therapy for HIV/AIDS is wellknown, but it depends on the efficient adhesion of the patient to the treatment. The efficient adhesion to the treatment guarantees its effectiveness because increasing the patient s adherence to the antiretroviral treatment constitutes a global goal to stop
the HIV/AIDS epidemic. This study aimed to understand the adhesion to the treatment the HIV/AIDS in the experience of the woman. Ethnographic study based on Geertz theoretical presuppositions. The data collection occurred by semistructuralized interviews and participant observation ith eight women of a Public Hospital Group of Adhesion in Goiás, Brazil, from 2007 January to December. The first moment of data analysis started as soon as it was initiate the interviews and where we sought to find the units of meanings. The second moment occurred in an inference process and findings theorization and its interrelation with our subject, but
always searching answers to the study objectives and the theoretical concepts. From data analysis process emerged four meaning units, as known, confrontation of the
cultural values in the experience of the adhesion; the rite of the experience in the adhesion to the treatment; practical customs and in the experience of the adhesion and taking care of in the interpersonal relations. Results allow an understanding that adhesion to the treatment for HIV/AIDS is ruled in the aspects of the local culture, in spite of the biomedical deductions and reducing imposed by professionals with a large scientific and technological knowledge. Also allow to understand that the experience of the adhesion to the treatment for the HIV/AIDS in the woman perceptions consists in a wire of meanings built inside a popular culture. And the culture where these women are inserted, keeps its controlling mechanisms for the person living with the HIV/AIDS survival.
COSTA, Dalva Aparecida Marques da. The experience of the adhesion to the treatment for the HIV/AIDS in the woman. 2008. 135 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Cuidado em Enfermagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2008.