Do limão à caipirinha: o humor e as linhas de fuga nas vivências gays de Baia Bahia e Raymundinho Furacão no youtube
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This doctoral thesis deals with humor and lines of flight in narrative videos of the experiences of
gay men Baia Bahia and Raymundinho Furacão posted on the YouTube platform. Based on the work
of the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, we follow the problem question: “How do Ray and Baia
deterritorialize the normative devices of sexuality, establishing new singular arrangements of life,
escaping the sad powers invoked by the hegemonic structures of sexuality and desire?” To write
the thesis we appropriated the concepts of event, difference, communication, humor and
homosexuality. The materialities were observed with a view to the methodology of Deleuzian
cartography, following the lines of forces (molar, molecular and escape), through two themes:
family access and street violence. Based on these concepts, the thesis aimed to map the
movements of transfiguration of gay experiences produced by humor counter-effects on the
Laranjas Bahia and Raymundinho Furacão channels. This research was divided into four parts,
which included four chapters: in the first, we explained the event, the difference and the
cartography in terms of communication; in the second, we expose the relationship between humor
in general, humor in Deleuze and the role of communication in this plot; in the third, we address
the path of homosexuality, from identity/representation to the affirmation of desire and the power
of becoming; and, in the fourth, we proceeded to cartography the videos themselves, seeking to
capture the lines visible in them. From the cartographies, we observed that when they talk about
family, Baia and Ray get emotional and do not express their humor directly, although they use their
narratives to break with the traumas. When dealing with street violence, both amplify the humor
and make it work in their favor, jumping from a report of violence in various areas to a narrative
permeated with good humor. In Deleuzian terms, the cartographic videos demonstrate that the
selected homosexuals are crossed by two events: coming out of the closet and insult. Even so, Baia
Bahia and Raymundinho Furacão, through humor, provide the fruits of everyday complaints,
transforming any bad encounter into an engine that enhances their joys and gives new meaning to
their experiences, enabling the emergence of new ways of being and existing.