Análise das proteínas de reserva do arroz silvestre oryza glumaepatula e de linhagens interespecíficas oryza sativa x o. Glumaepatula

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The objective of this dissertation was to analyze quantitative and qualitatively the total storage protein content and its fractions albumin, globulin, prolamin and glutelin from the grain of 29 genotypes of the wild rice Oryza glumaepatula and 70 interspecific lines backcross 2 obtained from the cross O. sativa x O. glumaepatula. From these lines, 34 BC2F8 were obtained from the cross O. sativa BG 90-2 x O. glumaepatula RS-16 and 36 BC2F10 were obtained from the cross O. sativa CICA-8 x O. glumaepatula RS-16. From the analysis of variance for the total protein content and its fractions, it were found highly significant differences (P<0.01) between the wild genotypes and the interspecific lines. The average of total protein content of wild genotypes was 12.17%, whereas the lines of BG 90-2 x RS-16 showed an average of 7.05% and the lines of CICA-8 x RS-16 showed an average of 8.40%. The wild genotype BGA14280 showed the highest total protein content (14.94%). In the comparative analysis of interspecific lines and their parents, it were found five lines with higher total protein content (average of 10.95%), which was significantly superior to the cultivated parent BG 90-2 (10.0%) and CICA-8 (9.61%). However, these lines showed lower content in relation to the wild parent RS-16 (14.06%). In relation to the protein fractions, 40 interspecific lines showed higher values in relation to their parents, excepting in one occasion, where the wild parent RS-16 showed higher value to the glutelin fraction. Considering the 29 wild genotypes, it were found the highest contents of albumin, prolamin and glutelin, excepting to the globulin fraction, where the wild genotype was not significantly different from the cultivar BRS Bonança. The SDS-PAGE analyses of the total protein and the glutelin fraction showed a differential profile of &#945;-glutelins for the wild genotypes, emphasizing the BGA14232 genotype, which did not showed the &#945;-polypeptides commonly identified in the remaining genotypes. Considering the interspecific lines and their parents, it was found similar profile of total protein and &#945;-globulins, with differences in relation to the 40 kDa &#945;-glutelin, which was found just in the wild parent RS-16, indicating a differential expression in O. glumaepatula, since the O. sativa showed a 39 kDa &#945;-glutelin. In relation to albumin, globulin and prolamin fractions, the wild genotypes showed a different protein profile in comparison to the interspecific lines and the cultivated rice, probably due to the two crosses in direction to BG 90-2 and CICA-8, which were the recurrent parents during the interspecific lines development. The highest protein content found to the O. glumaepatula, the different protein profile and the finding of interspecific lines with higher protein content in relation to their cultivated parents clearly show the positive contribution of this species to the genetic breeding aiming the increase of the nutritional value for the grain of the cultivated rice in Brazil.



SANTOS, Karina Freire D'eça Nogueira. Analysis of storage proteins of wild rice Oryza glumaepatula strains and interspecific Oryza sativa x Others Glumaepatula. 2010. 118 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Biolóicas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.