Tratamento de dados meteorológicos e análise de desempenho do sistema fotovoltaico da EMC/UFG

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This work presents results from analyses of meteorological data acquired from the meteorological station and performance data acquired from the photovoltaic system, both installed at The School of Electrical, Mechanical and Computer Engineering (EMC) of The Federal University of Goias (UFG). The Meteorological station is composed of sensors that register solar irradiance on the horizontal plane, air temperature, pluviometric precipitation, relative air humidity, atmosphere pressure, speed an direction of the air. The meteorological data are acquire at one minute intervals and saved in a logger. The photovoltaic (PV) system comprises 133 PV modules rated at 235 W each, resulting in a system rated at 31,255 kW of total power. The analyses of meteorological data were based on a three-year sample base frotm 2016 to 2018 and PV system performance analyses were carried out based on data collected during the years 2017 and 2018. Irradiance and irradiation on tilted surface with inclination at the local latitude angle were estimated from irradiance on horizontal surface and then compared using to the following models: Iqbal (1983); Liu and Jordan (1960); Koronakis (1986); Jimenez and Castro (1982); Revfeim (1978) and Duffie and Beckman (1991). As a result, Duffie and Beckman model was adopted as the model to be used in this study. Both global irradiances and irradiations on horizontal as well as tilted surface with inclination at the local latitude angle were estimated by Duffie and Beckman model and compared to results from the Brazilian Atlas for Solar Energy and results from Radiasol2 Software. The PV system performance was assessed by some figures of merit, namely PV energy production (kWh); specific PV-productivity (YF in kWh/kWp); capacity factor and production ratio (PR). The PV energy production was obtained from inverter monitoring software provided by manufacturer. Energy production combined with meteorological data allows for computing the other figures of merit. Measured data were compared to theoretically figures of merit estimated from meteorological data and PV system technical characteristics. Furthermore, this study addressed some external influences on the modules such as soiling and shading. Yearly specific PV-productivity was 1209 kWh/kWp in 2017 and 1283 kWh/kWp in 2018; capacity factor was 13.8% in 2017 and 14.37% in 2018; and performance ratio was 63,93% in 2017 and 69,09% in 2018. In 2018 the PV modules were pressure washed monthly from June 23 rd , yielding an increase in all figures of merit in 2018 as opposed to those in 2017, highlighting the relevance of regular cleaning of modules for suitable PV system performance.



SILVA, J. A. A. Tratamento de dados meteorológicos e análise de desempenho do sistema fotovoltaico da EMC/UFG. 2019. 188 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica e da Computação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.