Coro terapêutico: uma ação do musicoterapeuta visando ao desenvolvimento da criança com síndrome de Down

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Down syndrome is a genetic abnormality that affects a significant portion of the population. A child with Down syndrome (CDS) has several limitations and difficulties which occur in motor development, cognitive development and communication at different levels, especially with regard to speech. Helping a CDS to win his place in society will stimulate their satisfaction for somehow feeling to be useful, further expanding their coexistence. Children with this syndrome may perform better when those around them recognize that they have limitations, but also potential and abilities. This research deals with the use of Therapeutic Choir with CDS. Had become the main goal is to understand the effects that music therapy, through Therapeutic Choir, can bring in order to improve the performance of a CDS, according to the Theory of Multiple Intelligences proposed by Gardner. This is a qualitative research and it was based on Existential Phenomenology. Data collecting was performed at Down Association of Goiás (ASDOWN). The work was initially conducted with a group of six participants in the beginning and with four children in the end over a four months period, with a weekly frequency and duration of fifty minutes therapy session. Data collecting involved music therapy dossiers, audio and video recordings of cases, descriptive reports, observations of the participants behavior, interviews with those responsible for the CDS and professionals who have worked directly with some children, whether in a therapeutic or education environment. The analysis of all qualitative data was performed with the support of the theoretical review, which included Music Therapy, Therapeutic Choir and Multiple Intelligences. At the end of the music therapy process, it was found an increase of specifics skills in Multiple Intelligences, mainly in the following kinesthetic intelligences-body, linguistic, musical, inter- and intrapersonal, because the through the creative re-experiences, experiments and amenable and additional activities can stimulate the CDS development providing progress in the acquisitions processes.



BELOTTI, T. G. Coro terapêutico: uma ação do musicoterapeuta visando ao desenvolvimento da criança com síndrome de Down. 2014. 174 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Música) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.