Ocupação coletiva de imóvel rural e desapropriação agrária
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This paper proposes a study about the interpretation of legal provisions that establish the new regulatory framework of one of the mean legal institutions of official performance allusive to agrarian reform, that is the expropriation by social interest to the agrarian reform. This reform is also known as agrarian expropriation, especially under the perspective of the consequences of collective occupation of rural property in the process of inspection or administrative assessment, or
that is about to judge the respective action of agrarian expropriation. One concern that guided this study was to indicate the list of government initiatives to try to contain conflicts in the field, as well as to check to the most diverse jurisdictional understandings these incursions resulted. As theoretical support of this work, the normativity, the relevance of the principle of human dignity and of the nature
protection and the centrality that the principle of social function bears in the current stage of "evolution" of parental rights were analyzed. This occurred without forgetting that there was an expansion of the content, inserted in a context of class struggle, a process of flows and inflows, advances and setbacks. We sought to accomplish an interpretation
more in line with the normativity of the constitutional provisions, in view of the binding and normative force of the constitutional principles, especially of the social function of property. The intention was to resolve the apparent conflict between fundamental rights, since the balance between the respective constitutional values, aiming to achieve the right to access to land as social right, therefore, fundamental right.
Ocupação coletiva , Desapropriação agrária , Acesso à terra , Princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana , Princípio da função social do imóvel rural , Interpretação constitucional , Inconstitucionalidade do § 6º, do art. 2º, da Lei n.
8.629, de 1993 , Collective occupation , Agrarian expropriation , Access to land , Principle of human dignity , Principle of social
function of rural property , Constitutional interpretation , Unconstitutionality of § 6 of art. 2, Law n. 8.629, 1993
SOUZA JÚNIOR, Edson José de. Collective occupation and expropriation of property rural land. 2010. 172 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Sociais Aplicadas - Direito) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.