A mulher na luta pela terra: da expropriação à subversão
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
Violence is not a phenomenon that can be explained unilaterally, dissociated from the
analysis of gender, race and class categories, given the consubstantiality of
relationships. In view of this, the present work proposes to analyze the violence
suffered by rural women in the process of resistance to land expropriation. This is
because, according to data from the Conflitos no Campo Brasil 2018 dossier,
between 2009 and 2018, 1,409 cases of violence against women were recorded in
the context of the struggle for land, demonstrating the urgency of the present
analysis, in particular, in view of underreporting. . To achieve the proposed objective,
the method of bibliographic review was adopted, based on the study of specialized
works on the subject. In another turn, in order to give an empirical character to the
research, official data were inserted that deal with the difficulty of access to land, as
well as the violence perpetrated on these subjects, when practicing acts of resistance
and confrontation with the established order. It is also worth noting that it was a
political and academic option to adopt a feminist and Marxist theoretical framework,
one because science sometimes ignores women's production and, two, because a
work on women, done by a woman, it would prove to be - at the very least -
incoherent if it had as a reference the theories conceived by men. It does not mean,
however, that, at times, works/theories written by men were not consulted, but this
was done in a minority way. Regarding the way of writing, to facilitate understanding,
the work is structured in three sections. In the first one, an approach was made about
the feminist movement, which, in addition to the character of a social movement,
constitutes a critical theory of white, Eurocentric, misogynistic and patriarchal
science. Subsequently, it was explained about the Feminist Theory of Law and its
impact on this extremely conservative field and, afterwards, it was possible to deal
with the system of oppression and domination of women, focusing on the biological
analysis and the sexual and racial division of the job. In the second section, the
process of land expropriation was explained, arising, above all, with capitalism,
denouncing, even, the emergence of the very concept of private property. To this end,
it was demonstrated that, for the functioning of capitalism, it was necessary for rural
workers to leave their lands, to work in the factory model, in an urban area. But to
force them to do so, it was necessary to break the idea of the common good, giving
rise to enclosures. Afterwards, it was demonstrated that this process has specific
characteristics when it comes to women, and, to prove it, an analysis was made of
women's rights in the country, in particular, regarding the capacity theory and its
implications regarding to the acquisition of the property. Afterwards, it was shown
that, strained by the pressure of the feminist movement, the Brazilian Judiciary has -
albeit in a very inaugural way - recognize gender violence, when analyzing concrete
cases. Having traversed this path, it was possible to reach the third section and, in it,
the rural women's movement in Brazil was addressed, focusing on the emergence of
the so-called peasant feminism. Subsequently, data were brought about the violence
perpetrated on female subjects during the struggle for land. In the end, it was
possible to conclude that violence against rural women is a serious phenomenon and
intentionally ignored by the State, which does so, it should be noted, in order to
maintain the status quo that privileges the Brazilian agrarian elite.
REGO, J. M. A mulher na luta pela terra: da expropriação à subversão. 2023. 105 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito Agrário) - Faculdade de Direito, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.