Identificação e descrição morfoanatômica e farmacognóstica das folhas de Solamum Scuticum M. Nee e bioatividade de extrato bruto em microorganismos e da fração alcaloídica em células cultivadas da linhagem vero
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The jurubeba was identified that such species was Solanum scuticum M. Nee, from which pharmacognostic and morphanatomic data were not available to Goiás. Because of that, we tried some complementary data. For the morphoanatomic evaluation of the leaves some cuts were carried out as described by Kraus and Arduin (1997). For the phytochemical trial, it was used some methodologies as
described by Costa (2001). With the phytochemical screening, were identified alkaloids, flavonoids, coumarins, anthraquinones and saponins in prospecting phytochemical. Both in phytochemical trial, as in the phytochemical prospection, it was found alkaloids. Due to the biological activities of these secondary metabolites, we obtained the alkaloid fraction, using the dust of the leaves, and we got the ethanol extract. The fractions were divided by polarity and they were evaluated by thin-layer chromatography. Microbiological evaluation was carried out to verify possible
contaminants. Such evaluation did not reveal the presence of microorganisms, and it was raised the possibility of antimicrobiotic activity of the raw extract in twenty three strains of bacteria and in two yeasts. According to the antimicrobial tests, the extract presented some features, as the difficult of solubility in aqueous medium, and the best dilution was achieved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) 50%. These tests also demonstrated the difficult of the solubilization of the fractions, which it will be used in the experiments of Vero cells cultures. It was verified the low antimicrobial activity of the raw hidroethanolic extract. Of all the fractions, the alkaloid fraction presented the best solubility in DMSO 0.3%. So, it was proceeded the dilution and
the evaluation of the alkaloid fraction in Vero cells, and it was evaluated morphology, viability and cellular proliferation. We finally verified the citotoxicity of the alkaloid fraction in the statistical analyses, and in the vitality test carried out by Trypan blue, and also in the morphological alterations compatible to citotoxity alterations.
Solamum scuticum M. Nee , morfoanatomia , prospecção fitoquímica , frações , cromatografia de camada delgada , avaliação microbiológica , cultura de células e fração alcaloídica , Solamum scuticum M. Nee , morphoanatomy , phytochemical , fractions, thin layer chromatography, microbiological, cell culture and alkaloidal fraction
MORAES, Leslivan Ubiratan de. Identify and describe morphology, anatomy and Pharmacognostic sheets Solamum Scuticum M. Nee and bioactivity of microorganisms in crude extract and alkaloidal fraction in vero cells cultured strain. 2008. 98 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Biolóicas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2008.