Criminalidade e encarceramento: discursos sobre a reincidência penitenciária
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The high level of crime, violence and recidivism reveal the Brazilian public security situation.
The purpose of this study is to understand discourses about penitentiary recidivism in order to
discuss the relationship between institution, subject and recidivism. A review of the literature
and an open interview were carried out, in which six stories of recidivists were heard. The
data was operationalized by Categorical Content Analysis. The dissertation is structured in
three chapters. In the first chapter, the arrest was presented as a concrete institution that
updates force and power regimes of sovereignty and discipline diagrams. Then, in the second
chapter, three categories of discourses were constructed based on the analysis of the data
found in the literature, namely, the discourse of pathologization, the discourse of
institutionalization and discourse of social exclusion. Such categories represent justifications
for recidivism from the construction of truths about the recidivist subject and the prison
institution. Finally, we present, in the third chapter, speeches elaborated from listening to
repeat offenders. That justifies the recidivism through four categories: fatalism, revenge,
institutionalization and ostentation. They are different behaviors that express answers to the
incarceration situation and to the exercise of criminality. It is concluded that recidivism is
multidetermined by social, political, economic, and subjective forces and, as such, it is
constituted by conduct that profoundly structures the lives of subjects who have already
passed through jail and, for different reasons, no longer distance their trajectories crime and
prison institutions.
ALENCAR, A. K. S. Criminalidade e encarceramento: discursos sobre a reincidência penitenciária. 2018. 130 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.