Educação física, esportes e ditadura militar em Goiás (1973-1989): jogos internos da Universidade Federal de Goiás
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This historical research focuses on the history of physical education and sports in college education during the Brazilian Military Regime approaching the insertion of this practice as a mandatory curricular component in the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) focusing particularly on the Olympics / Internal Games of UFG. How did the UFG deal institutionally with the legal obligation of physical education instituted by Decree-Law No. 69.450 of November 1, 1971? How did you solve problems related to teaching staff, physical space and sports equipment necessary to implement the legislation? How was physical education inserted in the institutional structure of the University? How did physical education participate in UFG's university culture in the period? What are the resistances and supports that it found and or established in the academic community? What are the meanings of the Olympics/Internal Games at UFG? The time frame covers the period from 1971 to 1989 and the main objective is to carry out a rigorous and systematic investigation on university sports at UFG during the Military Dictatorship and knowledge about the historical development of sports practices in Goiás. The sources of research (laws and federal decrees, books of minutes of the coordination of physical education and sports (CEFD/UFG), internal resolutions of the Federal University of Goiás that directed the practice of physical education; periodic press (urban news of newspapers in Goiânia); iconographic sources (photographs, posters and folders), technical reports of the Internal Games of UFG. The research sources are part of the preserved collection of the Memory and History Center FEFD/UFG, locus that values to map, collect, document, preserve and disseminate historical sources in the field of body education, physical education and related areas. Taborda de Oliveira, 2001), Rei et Ludorf (2012) and Pinto et Muniz (2015) were used as references. Among the results, it is expected to obtain an analysis of the Internal Games of UFG and the development of the history of physical education and sports at the university to explain the history of the event itself.
ALVES, A. L. J. F. Educação física, esportes e ditadura militar em Goiás (1973-1989): jogos internos da Universidade Federal de Goiás. 2019. 66 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.