Produção de recursos multimeios: uso de metodologias ativas na formação textual e visual de engenheiros

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Getúlio Antero de Deus Júnior


The paper presents the experiences gained during the learning process of the Free Elective, Production of Multimedia Resources (PRM), o ered by the Department of Electrical, Mechanical and Computer Engineering (EMC) of the Federal University of Goias (UFG). It was presented the activities and the evaluation of the modules of the course PRM that uses the active learning met- hods Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and Project-Led Education (PLE). It was also presented the results of a survey realized after a technical visit in the exhibition Densi cation and expansion: contemporary art collection CCUFG as a closing activity of the Module Introduction to textual and visual communication. The results show the positive and negative impacts of some works of art, what is very common in this kind of art. In addition, it was showed a favorable acceptance of the exhibition by the students (an average of 7.6, on a scale from 0 to 10). Thus, the results show that the exhibition contributed to the visual formation of the students.
Este documento tiene como objetivo presentar las experiencias obtenidas durante el proceso de aprendizaje de lo N ucleo libre la Producci on de Recursos Multimedia (PRM), ofrecido por la Escuela de Ingenier a El ectrica, Mec anica e Inform atica (EMC) de la Universidad Federal de Goi as (UFG). Las actividades y las evaluaciones de los m odulos de la disciplina utilizan las metodolog as activas Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) y el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (PLE). Los resultados de la investigaci on se presentan tambi en, a partir de una visita t ecnica a la expo- sici on Densi caci on y Expansi on: CCUFG colecci on de arte contempor aneo como una actividad de cierre del m odulo Introducci on a la textual y la comunicaci on visual . Los resultados mues- tran los efectos positivos y negativos de algunos trabajos sucios, mostrando un grado favorable de aceptaci on de los alumnos en relaci on a la muestra igual a siete, seis puntos, en una escala de cero a diez. De esta manera, el programa contribuy o a textual de los estudiantes y entrenamiento visual.



Aprendizagem baseada em problemas, Aprendizagem baseada em projetos, Arte contemporânea, Educação em engenharia, Produção de recursos multimeios, Problem-based learning, Problem-led education, Contemporary art, Education in engineering, Production of multimedia resources, Aprendizaje basado en problemas, Aprendizaje basado en proyectos, Arte contemporaneo, Facultad de ingeniería, Produccion de recursos multimedia


DEUS JÚNIOR, Getúlio Antero de; ALVES, Ricardo Henrique Fonseca; CASTRO, Marcelo Stehling de; LEMOS, Rodrigo Pinto. Produção de recursos multimeios: uso de metodologias ativas na formação textual e visual de engenheiros. International Journal on Alive Engineering Education, Goiânia, v. 4, n. 1, p. 103-122, jan./june. 2017. Disponível em: <>.