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Item Breves notas de viajantes estrangeiros sobre a história da dança em Goiás e alguns desafios para a educação(Evandson Paiva Ferreira, 2016-12) Figueiredo, Valéria Maria Chaves de; Nicolino, Aline da SilvaThis article presents insights and reflections regarding the memories of dance, folklore, and customs of the country people that were written down by foreign visitors who passed through the State of Goiás from the end of the XIX century to the mid XX century. We have made use of these travelers diaries where they left a written testimonial of their journey. We have also made use of theoretical scientific studies (articles and books) that cover this thematic. Thus, we were able to identify and discuss how dance is able to convey its own language in regard to customs, values and representations of a particular society. Gestures and body techniques are put together to come up with the female and male images of a time that has left trail and influences in schooling and culture.Item Educação Física e infância: dialogando a categoria gênero na educação infantil em Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018) Moreira, Tássia Gomes; Nicolino, Aline da Silva; Nicolino, Aline da SilvaItem Escolarização da sexualidade no estado de Goiás: o que mostram as dissertações e teses(214) Nicolino, Aline da Silva; Paraíso, Marlucy AlvesThis article aims to analyze how PhD theses and Master dissertations present sexual education in the State of Goias. On the one hand, we seek to investigate what insights are embedded in the public schools and, on the other hand, we sought to analyze how sexuality in the school has been shown in the scientific production of the State. In our discussion of those productions, we established as criteria works which had been defended by 2012, and also thought of or realized in the context of State Schools and which dialogued with the theme in vogue. It became evident that sexuality has very much attracted the interest of professionals of the health field and of the education field as well. These specific fields present in their discourses which “knowledge” should be taught and who is considered able to teach that subject at schools, disputing the best ways to teach sexuality.Item A formação profissional em Educação Física e o processo político social(Ana Márcia Silva, 2009-07) Silva, Ana Márcia; Nicolino, Aline da Silva; Inácio, Humberto Luís de Deus; Figueiredo, Valéria Maria Chaves deThis article discusses some of the important issues which permeate professional education in Physical Education in Brazil. This resarch work was conducted through content analysis of official documents and databases from the Brazilian government as well as other documents from international organisations.Data investigation shows that more than 100 thousand BA placements in physical education are made available each year in Brazil, which ranks it among the 10 courses with the largest number of graduating students in the country. Also, this research shows that political and economic elements which are linked to emerging market demands and interests guide the needs of the social process of professional education in physical education.Item Gênero, sexualidade e formação docente em Educação Física: uma análise da produção acadêmica da FEFD/UFG(UUniversidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-04-06) Rosa, Milena Louise Rodrigues; Nicolino, Aline da Silva; Nicolino, Aline da Silva; Garcia, Lênin Tomazett; Moura, Sérgio de AlmeidaThis study objective identifies the number of monographs that discuss gender and sexuality in the Licentiate and Bachelor's degrees in Physical Education, at the Faculty of Physical Education and Dance of the Federal University of Goiás (FEFD/UFG), between 1994 and 2021, in order to map which themes were studied and in which contexts. It also aims to raise and analyze the works that deal with gender and sexuality in Physical Education classes at School, in order to identify the amount of production on each theme; who wrote it and about what; the demands that justified the study and its purposes. For this, descriptive and documentary research was used to carry out the mapping, stipulating as analysis criteria the demands that led the undergraduate student to discuss these themes in the monograph, the objectives and the results found. In all, 1493 works produced at FEFD/UFG were found during this period, but only 31 (thirty-one) dealt with issues of gender and sexuality. The information collected was systematized and divided into sub-themes that appeared the most in the productions, which were: School Physical Education (10), Sports (8), Training (6), Fights (4) and Body Practices (2). During the survey, 10 (ten) monographs were found that discussed gender and sexuality in School Physical Education classes, with the main discussion being the importance of discussing gender and sexuality during the initial and continuing education of the teacher. It was identified that the lack of discussion on gender and sexuality issues in the teacher training process (initial and continuing), impacts on the lack of identification, understanding and mediation of these issues in pedagogical practice, reverberating in silencing and, sometimes, in sexist and discriminatory practices, (re)producing the prevailing heteropatriarchal and sexist logic.Item A imagem da mulher no cheerleading: uma pesquisa descritiva sobre a opinião de jovens do ensino médio(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-09-01) Ligório, Natália Fernandes; Alarcon, Valleria Araujo de Oliveira; Alarcon, Valleria Araujo de Oliveira; Nicolino, Aline da Silva; Pimentel, Fernanda CruvinelO cheerleading é um esporte em expansão no Brasil e que envolve algumas problemáticas sociais, culturais e históricas, dentre elas estão os estereótipos trazidos pela mídia em relação à imagem da mulher praticante do esporte. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo conhecer a visão de estudantes do terceiro ano do ensino médio do CEPAE-UFG (Centro de Ensino e Pesquisa Aplicada à Educação) a respeito da imagem da mulher no cheerleading por meio da aplicação de um questionário e da realização de uma análise qualitativa. Como resultado da pesquisa identificamos que a percepção da/os jovens sobre a imagem da mulher na modalidade em análise é um reflexo do conteúdo disponibilizado através dos meios midiáticos. Com isso, percebemos a importância da EF (Educação Física) escolar no processo de formação de estudantes críticos, que se distanciam de uma visão limitada pela imprensa, que é historicamente moldada por ideais machistas que desvalorizam a participação de mulheres nos esportes.Item Jogos e brincadeiras generificados na educação infantil: produção acadêmica na Educação Física(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-10-28) Pereira, Maria Luiza de Queiroz; Nicolino, Aline da Silva; Nicolino, Aline da Silva; Zanotto, Luana; Oliveira, Valléria Araújo deThis research focuses on the body experiences lived in Physical Education classes, through the Jogos e Brincadeiras na Educação Infantil subject content from the gender perspective, with the aim to know what has been published regarding this topic. Therefore, a survey was conducted on the scientific production in this area, resorting to the journals: Pensar a Prática, Motrivivência, Movimento, Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte, Revista de Educação Física UEM and Licere, selected according to the CAPES quadrennium (2013-2016). These journals were selected due to their A2, B1 and B2 classifications, as well as for being publications that bring about questions regarding body culture from pedagogical, philosophical and sociocultural approaches. After employing the descriptor “games and kid’s plays” or “gender” to research in these journals, 438 papers on this topic were found. However, from this total, only 4 papers were selected to be analyzed, considering the criteria that the gender discussion spans through the games and plays in the Physical Education lessons content in preschool. As a result, it was concluded that, beyond the scarce research production regarding this topic in the journals dedicated to this field, there is a huge re(production) of heteronormative stereotypes in the Physical Education classes. That is to say that the fact of having little publicization regarding this topic doesn’t make it less real and, moreover, that, many times, the lack of thoughtful and critical pedagogical actions regarding gendered languages reinforces supposed embodied ‘roles’ in the games and plays for boys and girls. The papers also indicate that the child doesn’t have any pre-established idea concerning gendered roles to go about his/her activities, such as playing or making friends, and that this phenomenon takes place from the adult’s perspective and his/her stimulus.Item Mulheres praticantes de Parkour: motivações, possibilidades e desafios(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-09-02) Lelis, Thais Silva; Nicolino, Aline da Silva; Nicolino, Aline da Silva; Figueiredo, Valéria Maria Chaves de; Silva Junior, João Batista daThe objective study will present a trajectory of women practitioners of Parkour, with regard to the possibilities of contact and realization of the practice. For this, identify yourself and understand how to enter and practice the challenges thar and the permanence of involvement in Brazil. This descriptive and exploratory study, of a qualitative nature, in which information was collected through age, sent as practices from our park, from regions of the country, with selection variety being 18 years old and having at minimum 6 months of practice. Initial contact with social networks such as Instagram and WhatsApp. The contact, sending of the trial period, evolutionary period and closing of the sample took place between October 2021 and February 2022, of virtual, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, by survey responses. By the study-type content study group, thematically valid and interpreted as the best quality feminist studies alternatives for women’s studies. The results show that one of the bieggest challenges faced by Parkour practitioners refers to the previous judgment they receive, of performing ‘inferior’ techniques to men, less ‘spectacularized’, due to a supposed cultural and social construction of fragility and delicacy belonging to the female sex. It is observed that the movements developed by them are evaluated from the parkour practitioner, from the movement produced by them. It is verified, therefore, that the practicing woman follows references that are not produced by them and being respected in these parameters is in itself an act of resistance. The potentialities, it was described how much the practice allows freedom, self-knowledge and overcoming certain fears and limits, as well as physical benefits, such as improved strength, balance and motor coordination. In addition, they reported that the practice of Parkour promotes the perception of the environment, in the sense off having a different view of the spaces around the, having a greater and better interaction with the environment.Item As mulheres, o direito à educação e a pandemia de COVID-19: uma análise dos desafios encontrados pelas estudantes de Educação Física da FEFD(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-13) Santos, Silvana Silva dos; Alarcon, Valleria Araujo de Oliveira; Alarcon, Valleria Araujo de Oliveira; Nicolino, Aline da Silva; Garcia, Lênin TomazettThe COVID-19 pandemic, announced on March 11, 2020, has significantly changed people's way of life. Several social distancing measures were taken in order to reduce the transmission of the disease, among them, the suspension of face-to-face classes, thus emerging Emergency Remote Teaching (ERE). There were several difficulties with this new teaching format, so the objective of this work was to know the profile of the academic women of the Degree in Physical Education of the Faculty of Physical Education and Dance (FEFD) of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and to analyze the main barriers encountered by them during the ERE period and their consequences. This is a descriptive research, with a qualitative and quantitative approach. For the production of information, a questionnaire was used, applied to 20 students of the Physical Education course, and semi-structured interviews, carried out with 11 students, which were applied remotely. It was possible to identify, through these instruments and research on the subject, that the ERE brought with it many challenges, especially for women who had a very large overload, because in addition to difficulties such as reconciling work with studies, distance between teachers /as and colleagues, it was also possible to verify that the academics dedicate more time to housework and demand a lot of time taking care of other people, especially those who are mothers. Caring for people, children and family members, and the work done at home are seen as being women's responsibility, so while students 'help' with some domestic activities, students are responsible for carrying out and managing them.Item Novas e velhas configurações da sexualidade feminina(2010-09) Nicolino, Aline da SilvaEste ensayo presenta un breve diagnóstico de los códigos corporales presentes en una escuela, identificando las categorías género y sexualidad como centrales de este estudio. Fue escogido como procedimiento metodológico, investigación del campo, con permanencia de ocho meses en el la escuela, utilizándose de la observación semi-estruturada. El estudio analizaba a veinte y seis adolescentes, del sexo femenino, entre 14 y 17 años de edad, atendiendo a un curso la octava serie de Ensino Básico, de una escuela pública, de la ciudad de Ribeirão Preto/SP. Las mensajes más significativas de las participantes, divulga una alta valoración de las cualidades físicas, siendo la belleza para ellas un importante instrumento para establecer enlaces sociales y para poseer méritos y ventajas como persona. El género femenino fue fuertemente marcado por la preocupación a la virginidad, vinculada con el matrimonio y la procreación, mostró la sexualidad como campo dominado por hombres.Item Primazia da beleza feminina e juventude empobrecida: notas de uma relação conflituosa(2012-03) Nicolino, Aline da SilvaThis study investigated the worries relating to physical appearance and the representative implications of an ideal body model, among fifty-three impoverished students, aged between thirteen and eighteen years. The field research was conducted over an eight-month period; participative observation and a questionnaire were used as data-gathering instruments; and the content analysis technique was used to code and interpret the information obtained. It was observed that the students attributed high value to their bodies, but they also demonstrated less rigid care and less aggressive interventions than expected, thereby revealing dispositions of civility that is not thought of, experienced and materialized homogeneously, but plurally.