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    Unraveling flooding dynamics and nutrients’ controls upon phytoplankton functional dynamics in amazonian floodplain lakes
    (2019) Kraus, Cleber Nunes; Bonnet, Marie-Paule; Nogueira, Ina de Souza; Lobo, Maria Tereza Morais Pereira Souza; Marques, David da Motta; Garnier, Jérémie; Vieira, Ludgero Cardoso Galli
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    Desmídias (Zygnematophyceae) de hábito filamentoso da região do Vale do Paranã (Goiás, Brasil)
    (2016-09) Nogueira, Ina de Souza; Jorge, Vanessa Araújo; Abrantes, Lorena Lemes Martins; Lobo, Maria Tereza Morais Pereira Souza
    The region of the Paranã Valley is part of the Cerrado biome and Tocantins-Araguaia basin (Goiás state, Brazil). The study constitutes the first work for the region and aims to present the inventory of filamentous desmid forms. 102 samples were coleted in the rainy and dry seasons though different methods. The algae had been analyzed and microphotographed and identified. The qualitative analysis resulted in 17 taxa. Hyalotheca dissiliens var. dissiliens f. dissiliens was most frequent in the rainy while in the dry period Spondylosium panduriforme var. panduriforme f. panduriforme and Spondylosium panduriforme var. limneticum. The floodplain environment had been most propitious for filamentous desmid and 71% of taxa were exclusive of this environment. The sampling station of Formosa presented the most specific richness with 94,1% of taxa filamentous desmid. There were registered eight new taxa to the state of Goiás.
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    O gênero Pinnularia (Bacillariophyta, Pinnulariaceae) do Lago dos Tigres, Britânia, Goiás, Brasil
    (2016-03) Silva, Weliton José da; Ruwer, Daiane; Nogueira, Ina de Souza; Dunck, Bárbara
    Studies of the genus Pinnularia Ehrenb. are only incipient in central-western Brazil, especially in Goiás. Only 20 of the 170 taxa known from Brazil were recorded in this state until now. A taxonomic study of Pinnularia from Lago dos Tigres (Tocantins-Araguaia River Basin) recorded 20 specific and infraspecific taxa, distributed in 17 species, including P. instabilis whose lectotype is designated here. Only P. meridiana var. meridiana was previously recorded in aquatic systems of the state. Eighteen taxa are newly recorded for Goiás, and one is the first record in Brazil. The Pinnularia flora from Lago dos Tigres contains nine taxa in common with the Amazon River Basin flora, and seven other taxa that occur elsewhere in the Paraná River Basin.
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    Ocorrência e autoecologia de Acanthoceras zachariasii (Brun) Simonsen (Chaetocerales, Coscinodiscophyceae) na região centro-norte do Brasil
    (2016-03) Morais, Raquel Rezende de; Nogueira, Ina de Souza; Artigas, Luis Felipe; Miranda, Elizabeth Cristina Arantes de Oliveira; Silva, Weliton José da
    In this study we presented the structural and ultrastructural characterization ofAcanthoceras zachariasii (Brun) Simonsen, as well as its geographical distribution in the Amazon River Basin and Tocantins-Araguaia River Basin, Brazil, and provided the lectotypification of the taxon. We analyzed 454 phytoplanktonic samples, but the occurrence of A. zachariasiiwas recorded in only 14 of them. Of the total samples collected along the two basins, A. zachariasii was recorded only in 3.08%, which demonstrates the rarity of this taxon. This species was registered in lentic environments, with mesotrophic to eutrophic conditions, and pH varying from slightly acid to alkaline.
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    Algas planctônicas flageladas e cocoides verdes de um lago no Parque Beija-Flor, Goiânia, GO, Brasil
    (2017) D’Alessandro, Emmanuel Bezerra; Nogueira, Ina de Souza
    (Planktonic flagellate and coccoid green algae in a lake of Parque Beija-Flor, Goiânia, Goiás State, Brazil). The public parks of Goiânia are socioenvironmentally important to the city, however, little is known about their quality and aquatic biodiversity. This study is focused on the Chlorophyceae and Trebouxiophyceae (Chlorophyta) of a lake in an urban park located in the municipality of Goiânia, Goiás State, during a short period of rainfall and drought. Weekly samplings were carried out during August 2007 and January 2008 at three sampling sites, according to the usual techniques for floristic analysis. We identified 25 infrageneric taxa: 16 Sphaeropleales, six Chlorellales, one Chlamydomonales, one Chlorococcales, and one taxon of Trebouxiophyceae of uncertain position. Pandorina morum, Lacunastrum gracillimum, Desmodesmus intermedius var. acutispinus and Pachycladella komarekii represent new records for the State of Goiás.
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    Avanço da invasão de sistemas aquáticos por Ceratium furcoides (Dinophyta) em direção ao centro-norte brasileiro: novos registros em ambiente tropicais
    (2018) Silva, Weliton José da; Nogueira, Ina de Souza; Melo-Magalhães, Enaide Marinho de; Benício, Sarah Haysa Mota; Pessoa, Sheila Magalhães
    Aim: We record new occurrences of the invasive species Ceratium furcoides in reservoirs and their affluents in the Paraná River basin, State of Goiás (GO), central-western Brazil, and in some localities in the São Francisco River basin, northeastern region. Methods: Qualitative and quantitative phytoplankton samples were collected from Corumbá Reservoir and Cascatinha Falls, Caldas Novas, GO, and João Leite Reservoir, Goiânia, GO, both in the Paraná River basin, and samples from the São Franscisco River basin. Specimens of C. furcoides were observed with optical, epifluorescence and scanning electron microscopy. Results: The individuals of C. furcoides from these environments agreed morphologically with populations in other reservoirs in Brazil and other locations, especially concerning the tabulation and the shape of the fourth apical plate. These environments ranged from oligotrophic to eutrophic conditions. Physical and chemical variables of these waterbodies, compared to other environments where this species was found, demonstrate that C. furcoides is a highly eurytopic species. The dispersal pattern of C. furcoides seems to be more complex than upstream-downstream regulation, since the species occurs in high-altitude environments and systems upstream from previously recorded locations. Conclusion: An analysis based on the areas of occurrence and the chronology of the records demonstrated that C. furcoides has spread toward northern Brazil. Studies of the relationships among populations recorded in other parts of Brazil and South America are required in order to develop accurate models of dispersal for this invasive species, and will facilitate the development of management policies for aquatic systems in Brazil.
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    Avaliação do índice de estado trófico no Lago dos Tigres, Britânia, Goiás
    (2018-09) D'Alessandro, Emmanuel Bezerra; Nogueira, Ina de Souza
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    Impactos ambientais de efluentes de laticínios em curso d’água na Bacia do Rio Pomba
    (2018-04) Silva, Roselir Ribeiro da; Siqueira, Eduardo Queija de; Nogueira, Ina de Souza
    Dairy activity has economic and environmental importance in the Pomba River Basin. Aiming to check for possible environmental impacts of dairy effluents on watercourses, five dairy effluents were characterized during the production cycle. To select the variables important for the characterization of effluents, it was applied a principal component analysis (PCA). Data obtained were compared with official regulations and it was simulated the impact of the discharge of effluents, treated or non-treated, on a waterway. The most significant variables in the effluent analysis were conductivity, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total phosphorus, turbidity, temperature and pH. Dairy plants do not comply with legal standards for effluent discharge, even with treatment plants installed. The main reason is the low use of whey, associated with inefficient treatment of effluents. By simulating the discharge of effluents, it can be concluded that the reduction of BOD should be 60-70% for the river water did not exceed the standard limits for BOD. The simulation was important to determine the impacts of dairy effluents and can be applied to other dairy plants in order to ensure that effluent cause no environmental damage. Developing products or technology for the better use of whey in small dairy plants, adequately treat the effluents, and reduce water consumption are considered important actions to reduce environmental impacts on water resources.
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    First record of Tetraspora gelatinosa Link ex Desvaux (Tetrasporales, Chlorophyceae) in the state of Goiás, Central-Western Brazil
    (2019-02) Silva, Weliton José da; Nogueira, Ina de Souza; Lobo, Maria Tereza Morais Pereira Souza
    Tetraspora gelatinosa is rare and has been recorded only in 3 Brazilian states since the 2000s. The flora of the state of Goiás is incipiently known, but there is no record of Tetraspora thus far. We record the occurrence of T. gelatinosa in Goiás and characterize this species’ morphology and ecological preferences. Specimens were found in the Samambaia Reservoir, Goiânia, Goiás. Physical and chemical characteristics of the water were measured. Where T. gelatinosa was found, the water was shallow and characterized as ultraoligotrophic. These conditions agree with those reported for other environments in Brazil.
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    Variabilidade na estrutura das comunidades fitoplanctônicas e influência no funcionamento de lagoa de estabilização
    (2020) D'Alessandro, Emmanuel Bezerra; Nogueira, Ina de Souza; Hoffmann, Nora Katia Saavedra del Aguila
    Density of phytoplankton in stabilization ponds influences treatment performance. The study hypothesized that the phytoplankton community structure varies according to local and temporal changes and consequently influences the treatment of the effluent. Phytoplankton community structure in facultative and maturation ponds in central Brazil was analyzed to provide guidance on system operation and maintenance. Further, species density, abundance, diversity, richness, dominance and beta diversity were measured. The efficiency of the treatment was evaluated based on Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). Additionally, a Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was used to investigate how physical and chemical variables influenced the composition of the most abundant species in the dry and rainy seasons and the microalgae that were most related to the removal of BOD. One hundred and sixty-eight taxa were recorded, and the most abundant classes in both ponds were Chlorophyceae and Cyanophyceae (40% potentially toxic). The maturation pond had greater adaptability in the rainy season, while the facultative pond was more flexible in the dry season. The best period of growth varied among species. In both ponds, Chlorella minutissima was the one which most contributed to the optimization of the treatment. Thus, identifying phytoplankton species and relating them to water quality parameters and weather can help to understand the ecological dynamics of wastewater treatment and provide useful information for the operation and maintenance of stabilization ponds.
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    Pequenas reservas como hotspots para preservação de fungos no Brasil
    (2022) Bertazzo-Silva, Fernando Augusto; Santos, Aline Bezerra da Silva; Machado, Ana Rita Gaia; Martim, Salomão Rocha; Nogueira, Ina de Souza; Putzke, Marisa Terezinha Lopes; Teixeira, Maria Francisca Simas; Putzke, Jair
    Small conservation areas have been created in many countries usually to protect plants and animals, but no priorities are deserved in protecting fungi. The creation of preservation areas is meeting a new problem: there are only small remaining areas, since exploration is destroying large forests. Applying the technique of the transects in three different areas in Brazil (Pampa and Cerrado biomes and Amazonian Forest), diversity and ecological data were collected for Agaricomycetes fungi, mainly order Agaricales, and compared to the fungi already known andtheir conservation status to understandhow fungi are protected indirectly with the creation of small protected areas. The samples were collected in differents permanent protected areas (APP –permanent protected areas) in river margins in southern Brazil(RPAS), Saint Hilaire Forest in the Universidade de Goiás (MSH -ca. 20 ha) in Goiânia/GO and in the Universidade Federal do Amazonas Protected Forest (Manaus/AM -MUFAM), all located in Brazil. In MUFAM, 140 specimens were collected in 2014 and 2018 resulting in 47 species. In MSH 86 specimens were collected in 2019 and 2020 with 31 species identified. In RPAS 278 new species records for the Brazilian Pampa biome were cataloged, 23 new records for the state of Rio Grande do Sul and 4 new registrations for Brazil. This demonstrates the importance of small forest fragments to fungi preservation and maintenance, being efforts in that direction important in future studies of new conservation areas implementation.
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    Genotoxic and Cytotoxic effects of antiretroviral combinations in mice bone marrow
    (2016-11) Moraes Filho, Aroldo Vieira de; Carvalho, Cláudia de Jesus Silva; Carneiro, Cristiene Costa; Vale, Camila Regina do; Lima, Débora Cristina da Silva; Carvalho, Wanessa Fernandes; Vieira, Thiago Bernardi; Silva, Daniela de Melo e; Cunha, Kênya Silva; Chen-Chen, Lee
    Commonly used guidelines for the management of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection (highly active antiretroviral therapy, HAART) include drug combinations such as tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) + lamivudine (3TC) and combivir [zidovudine (AZT) + 3TC] + efavirenz (EFV). These combinations may enhance the genotoxic effects induced by such drugs individually, since the therapy requires lifelong adherence and the drugs have unknown effects during treatment. Thus, the evaluation of the benefits and risks of HAART is of great importance. In order to assess the cytotoxic and genotoxic potential of three concentrations of each of the antiretroviral combinations TDF + 3TC (800 + 400, 1600 + 800, and 3200 + 1600 mg/kg body weight, BW) and combivir + EFV (200 + 100 + 400, 400 + 200 + 800, and 800 + 400 + 1600 mg/kg BW) after two exposure periods (24 h and 48 h), in the present study the in vivo comet assay (single-cell gel electrophoresis) and the mouse bone marrow micronucleus test were used. Neither TDF + 3TC nor combivir + EFV induced DNA damage at any concentrations tested after 24 h or 48 h using the comet assay. After 24 h, both combinations increased the micronucleus frequency at all concentrations tested. After 48 h, combivir + EFV increased the micronucleated polychromatic erythrocyte (MNPCE) frequency at the two highest concentrations tested. Polychromatic erythrocytes (PCE)/normochromatic erythrocytes (NCE) ratio was high for both combinations, suggesting that they can be mitogenic. Since genotoxicity may be related to carcinogenesis, it is necessary to conduct further studies to verify the long-term mutagenic effects of these drugs.
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    Protective effects of Silymarin and Silibinin against DNA damage in human blood cells
    (2018) Borges, Flávio Fernandes Veloso; Silva, Carolina Ribeiro e; Goes, Wanessa Moreira; Godoy, Fernanda Ribeiro; Franco, Fernanda Craveiro; Véras, Jefferson Hollanda; Bailão, Elisa Flávia Luiz Cardoso; Silva, Daniela de Melo e; Cardoso, Clever Gomes; Cruz, Aparecido Divino da; Chen-Chen, Lee
    Silymarin (SM), a standardized extract derived from Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn, is primarily composed of flavonolignans, with silibinin (SB) as its major active constituent. The present study aimed to evaluate the antigenotoxic activities of SM and SB using the alkaline comet assay in whole blood cells and to assess their effects on the expression of genes associated with carcinogenesis and chemopreventive processes. Different concentrations of SM or SB (1.0, 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 mg/ml) were used in combination with the DNA damage-inducing agent methyl methanesulfonate (MMS, 800 μM) to evaluate their genoprotective potential. To investigate the role of SM and SB in modulating gene expression, we performed quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis of five genes that are known to be involved in DNA damage, carcinogenesis, and/or chemopreventive mechanisms. Treatment with SM or SB was found to significantly reduce the genotoxicity of MMS, upregulate the expression of PTEN and BCL2, and downregulate the expression of BAX and ABL1. We observed no significant changes in ETV6 expression levels following treatment with SM or SB. In conclusion, both SM and SB exerted antigenotoxic activities and modulated the expression of genes related to cell protection against DNA damage.
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    Small de novo CNVs as biomarkers of parental exposure to low doses of ionizing radiation of caesium-137
    (2018) Costa, Emília Oliveira Alves; Pinto, Irene Plaza; Gonçalves, Macks Wendhell; Silva, Juliana Ferreira da; Oliveira, Lorraynne Guimarães; Cruz, Alex Silva da; Silva, Daniela de Melo e; Silva, Cláudio Carlos da; Pereira, Rinaldo Wellerson; Cruz, Aparecido Divino da
    The radiological accident in Goiania in 1987 caused a trail of human contamination, animal, plant and environmental by a radionuclide. Exposure to ionizing radiation results in different types of DNA lesions. The mutagenic effects of ionizing radiation on the germline are special concern because they can endures for several generations, leading to an increase in the rate of mutations in children of irradiated parents. Thus, to evaluate the biological mechanisms of ionizing radiation in somatic and germline cells, with consequent determination of the rate mutations, is extremely important for the estimation of genetic risks. Recently it was established that Chromosomal Microarray Analysis is an important tool for detecting wide spectra of gains or losses in the human genome. Here we present the results of the effect of accidental exposure to low doses of ionizing radiation on the formation of CNVs in the progeny of a human population accidentally exposed to Caesium-137 during the radiological accident in Goiânia, Brazil.
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    Accidental capture of the arboreal rodent Rhipidomys cf. macrurusin a mist-net in Silvânia National Forest, Brazil
    (2021) Benvindo-Souza, Marcelino; Tomaz, Acácio Arlem; Sotero, Daiany Folador; Silva, Daniela de Melo e; Hannibal, Wellington
    Describimos un evento de captura incidental de un individuo de Rhipidomys cf. macrurusen una red de niebla durante muestreo de quirópteros realizadoen la Unidad de Conservación del Bosque Nacional Silvânia, municipio de Silvânia, Goiás, Brasil. La captura de animales que no sean avesy murciélagos en redes de niebla es excepcional, por lo que nuestro registro es uno de los pocos reportados en la literaturaque involucra a un roedor. Suponemosque el individuo se enredó mientras buscaba alimento en la vegetación que rodeaba la red.
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    Effects of long-term direct exposure to pesticides towards immune function: a cross-sectional study
    (2022-06) Souza, Vinícius Gonçalves de; Nascimento, Felipe de Araújo; Ramos, Jheneffer Sonara Aguiar; Pedroso, Thays Millena Alves; Duarte, Sabrina Sara Moreira; Cruz, Aparecido Divino da; Cardoso, Ludimila Paula Vaz; Silva, Daniela de Melo e; Parise, Michelle Rocha
    Exposure to pesticides is an important risk factor for genotoxicity in farmworkers. Once there is a possibility that genotoxicity is related to the autoimmunity process, the present study aimed to characterize genotoxicity and possible immunological alterations related to chronic and direct exposure to a complex mixture of pesticides. It employed Interleukin–6 (IL-6), Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), IL-12 and IL-10 as biomarkers of cellular immune function. DNA damage was greater in the exposed group (p < 0.05). Both IL-6 and IL-12 were significantly increased in the exposed group (p < 0.05 and < 0.01, respectively); on the other hand, Il-10 levels were decreased (p < 0.01). Evaluation of the association between cytokine levels and epidemiological variables showed a correlation between alcohol consumption and higher levels of IL-12 (p < 0.05). In addition, negative correlation between % DNA and IFN-γ (p < 0.05) as well as % DNA and IL-6 (p < 0.05) and positive correlation was found between IL-6 levels and absolute number of T CD8+ lymphocytes (p < 0.05) as well as between IL-10 levels and absolute number of T CD4+ lymphocytes (p < 0.05). No association between all the evaluation parameters was found in the non-exposed group. The observed alterations related to chronic and direct exposure to a complex mixture of pesticides may allow the monitoring of these workers to minimize the negative impact caused on their health.
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    Decreasing sperm quality in mice subjected to chronic cannabidiol exposure: New insights of cannabidiol-mediated male reproductive toxicity
    (2022-01) Carvalho, Renata Karine de; Rocha, Thiago Lopes; Fernandes, Fábio Henrique; Gonçalves, Bruno Bastos; Souza, Maingredy Rodrigues; Araújo, Amanda; Barbosa, Caio Cesar; Silva, Daniela de Melo e; Campos, Hericles Mesquita; Tomazett, Mariana Vieira; Ghedini, Paulo César; Guimarães, Francisco Silveira; Andersen, Monica Levy; Santos, Fernanda Cristina Alcantara dos; Mazaro-Costa, Renata
    Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural cannabinoid present in the Cannabis sativa plant, widely prescribed as an anticonvulsant drug, especially for pediatric use. However, its effects on male reproduction are still little investigated. Therefore, the present study assessed the effects of CBD on the spermatogenesis and sperm quality. For this, twenty-one-day-old Swiss mice received CBD for 34 consecutive days by gavage at doses of either 15 or 30 mg/kg. Chronic exposure to CBD decreased the frequency of stages VII-VIII and XII of spermatogenesis and an increase in the frequency of stage IX were noted. Furthermore, the seminiferous epithelium height reduced at stage IX and increased at stage XII in both CBD-treated groups. There was a significant rise of sperm DNA damage, while no genotoxic effects were observed in leukocytes. The activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase decreased, while malondialdehyde levels increased in the sperm of mice treated with a higher dose of CBD. Mice exposed to 30 mg/kg of CBD showed a reduction in the mobile spermatozoa percentage and in curvilinear velocity, while straight line and average path velocity decreased in both treated groups. The number of acrosome-intact spermatozoa declined in the CBD 30 group, and the number of abnormal acrosomes raised in both CBD groups. On the other hand, the weight of reproductive organs, sperm count, and hormone levels were not affected by CBD treatment. These findings show that dysregulation of the endocannabinoid system by CBD can reduce sperm quality. The mechanisms responsible may be associated with disorders during spermatogenesis, especially during the final stages of nuclear remodelling and assembly of acrosome. However, changes in mitochondrial function, as well as the reduction on the antioxidant enzyme activities during epididymal transit, at least partly, may also be involved.
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    O gene ALDH2 e o metabolismo do álcool
    (2017) Ramos, Jheneffer Sonara Aguiar; Silva, Daniela de Melo e
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    O gene TP53 e o câncer
    (2018) Ramos, Jheneffer Sonara Aguiar; Carvalho, Alice Tâmara de; Silva, Lana O'Hara Souza; Paccez, Juliano Domiraci; Borges, Clayton Luiz; Silva, Daniela de Melo e
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    Agrotóxicos: um vilão para o DNA?
    (2021) Pedroso, Thays Millena Alves; Lopes, Alice Tâmara de Carvalho; Hosokawa, Akemi Vieira; Duarte, Sabrina Sara Moreira; Moura, Mariana Cristina Teixeira de; Ramos, Jheneffer Sonara Aguiar; Silva, Daniela de Melo e