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    Lélia Gonzalez e seu lugar na antropologia brasileira: “cumé que fica?”
    (2022) Ratts, Alecsandro José Prudêncio
    This bibliographic review, itself part of a wider research on black intellectuals from 1970- 1980, reports on my collective and personal experience. It focues on Lélia Gonzalez’s (1935-1994) oeuvre and trajectory and her relationship with anthropology, with written and insurgent speeches that are recaptured as an epistemological dispute in the context of affirmative actions. It is based on a collection of original and republished texts: essays, articles, interviews, speeches, and some images from personal files of the activist author.
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    “Parirás com dor”: a violência obstétrica revisitada
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-11-17) Ferreira, Maíra Soares; Gonçalves, Eliane
    Faced with a social context in which instrumental births predominate, via cesarean surgery, in private hospitals and the “cascade of interventions” in vaginal deliveries in Brazilian public hospitals, the women’s movement marked the beginning of the 21st century with the name “obstetric violence”. The understanding of obstetric violence ranges from physical, psychological, verbal, symbolic, sexual aggressions to negligence in care, discrimination, excessive and inappropriate medicalization, adherence to obstetric practices that are not recommended, painful, harmful and not based on scientific evidence which are experienced at the time of pregnancy, childbirth, birth and postpartum. Aspects of this violence - with imposition of pain, suffering and preventable deaths - are legitimized by obstetric science and authorized by the State as assistance to sexual and reproductive health. We argue that obstetric violence is a misogynistic act of punishment for women, the result of centuries of denial of their sexuality and the ability to decide. The purpose of the article is to reflect on how this political authorization was given to violate the bodies of women, as well as their naturalization and invisibility justified by science and certain obstetric practices. Being part of a broader research, historical analyzes of feminist nature were privileged, whose collection of knowledge allowed to track the process of elaboration of the concept and show how the intrinsic relations between childbirth and State policies, through thedifferent assistance - public and private - coordinate the discipline over the expropriated bodies of women.
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    Estudo sobre o potencial de cartografias interculturais para a emergência e consolidação de novas bases epistêmicas
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-12-11) Herbetta, Alexandre Ferraz; Landa, Mariano Báez
    El siguiente texto reflexiona brevemente sobre el potencial de la cartografía como método. En este sentido, en la dinámica del mapeo propuesto, es posible identificar y sistematizar aspectos centrales de los proyectos contra hegemonícos y así proponer, ejecutar y evaluar acciones y políticas de manera más consistente en el tema. Se advierte que un movimiento central en el proceso es el surgimiento de nuevas bases epistémicas.
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    Reflexos no Abebé de Oxum: por uma narrativa mítica insubmissa e uma pedagogia transgressora
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-10-20) Dias, Luciana de Oliveira
    In this article I started a communication with the myth of Oxum, Orixá of feminine energy from afro- brazilian religion candomblé. Discussions were made about the multiple processes of articulation and construction of non-hegemonic knowledge. The mythology of the Orixás, plus the whole set of signs, meanings and symbologies that are subjectively constructed, contains a language and a performance that contribute to the consolidation of cultural aspects. These aspects are responsible for the constitution of affiliations and belongings, generating an extremely complex particular ethos. In this text, through a description of a mythical narrative by Oxum, a subalternized epistemology is revealed. This epistemology of African origin suffers at the same time with cruel processes of epistemicides and ontoepistemicides, but it remains insurgent, transgressive and not submissive.
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    Justiça e direitos humanos: pensando as identidades em contextos de democracia e cidadania
    (2013-12) Dias, Luciana de Oliveira; Ribeiro, Daniela Maroja
    This paper discusses justice and human rights from the concepts of recognition, representation and redistribution. Democracy and citizenship are studied to better understand these concepts and is also made a debate about the legitimacy of rights for people who need identity. The discussion is expanded when we understand the identities that are theoretically analyzed as sociocultural constructions that are responsible for the definition of a person. These people with identities demand for recognition of differences and redistributive policies. The identities establish the belongings that show social markers. These social markers can be analyzed, and can also include people in society, in politics and in the world of rights. Keywords: Justice, Human Rights, Identities.
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    Participação comunitária em projetos de desenvolvimento: um olhar sobre a execução do Prosanear I em Fortaleza-CE
    (2013-12) Dias, Luciana de Oliveira; Lucena, Andrea Freire de
    of Earth’s inhabitants will live in cities. To support this increase in the number of urban residents, cities must invest heavily in basic sanitation. However, governments and international organizations, often, develop and execute projects that do not consider local realities and communities. The Prosanear arose from the need to provide sanitation services to low-income people who live in cities. The program was implemented in partnership with the World Bank in various parts of Brazil and has the peculiarity of involving the community. The purpose of this article is to verify the implementation of Prosanear I in two districts of Fortaleza-CE called Conjunto Palmeiras and Conjunto São Bernardo, in the 1990s, highlighting aspects of community participation. Data collection was fi rst made in Conjunto Palmeiras (where the project had already been executed) and these were compared with the data collected in Conjunto São Bernardo (where the project was still running). The surveys applied in communities and in-depth interviews allowed us to understand, among other issues, if the diffi culties highlighted by the community at Conjunto Palmeiras were considered by the World Bank during project implementation at Conjunto São Bernardo.
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    Polícia tem gênero? Algumas reflexões sobre mulheres e feminino na segurança pública brasileira
    (2014-12) Dias, Luciana de Oliveira; Rosa, Fabrício Silva
    This article analyzes some factors that explain why the female aspect is not valued by the Brazilian public security. Police institutions, and society in general, rely on representations that underpin social understandings that police work is linked to virility, aggressiveness, courage and, primarily, the use of force, instead of patience, dialogue, gentleness and care. The discussion of the elements of femininity and masculinity allows consolidating democracies, questioning concepts, readjust them or even, in some cases, deconstruct them. Thus, we believe we can open ways on which signs of femininity and masculinity can transit with liberty and justice.
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    Direitos humanos e homofobia: por um enfrentamento do medo e do ódio
    (2015) Dias, Luciana de Oliveira; Amorim, Mariana da Costa
    La palabra homofobia no expresa todo el potencial de odio y agresión que se dirige a una persona gay en determinadas situaciones. ¿Hasta qué punto este tipo de comportamiento puede ser clasificado como una fobia? ¿Hasta qué punto la idea asociada con fobia contribuye a convertir a patológica una acción que podría ser tipificada como un delito? En este artículo se cuestiona la limitación etimológica del término, y llamamos la atención sobre la necesidad de una redefinición de la percepción del sujeto agresivo intolerante. Los derechos humanos son citados como posible camino para la creación de nuevos significados a las interacciones socioculturales. Es decir, la realización de los derechos humanos presentase como restituidora de la dignidad humana de los sujetos abusados.
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    Nos caminhos da experiência intercultural: um estudo sobre a mobilidade estudantil internacional de partida da UFG
    (2015-06) Dias, Luciana de Oliveira; Morais, Deyvid Santos
    The following text presents some data from a study that examined through the statement of graduate students returned from international student mobility, to what extent international exchange programs reflect the significance of foundations for intercultural experience. From the interactions that were established in destination countries, and also from the distance of family relationships, students point to experience as an extension of the worldview, a path towards maturity, a process of constitution of autonomy and identities. Mobility creates a new form of migration, since the exchange students are integrated into host communities and foreign. This migration is presented as a strong instrument for cooperation between countries and institutions as well as the possibility of intercultural experiences.
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    A hegemonia do dólar no sistema monetário e os desafios do renminbi em se tornar uma moeda internacional
    (2015) Martins, Aline Regina Alves
    In this paper, we aim to discuss the contemporary US hegemony in the international monetary and financial system and analyze the international discussions after the 2008 crisis concerning the decrease of the dollar preponderance globally. Given the rise of China in the current international economy, we highlight, especially, the Chinese policies that intent to reduce its dependence on the US dollar in the global monetary and financial order.
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    Brazil: a world energy superpower?
    (2015-12) Lucena, Andréa Freire; Santos, Murillo Machado
    The article discusses the measures taken by the Brazilian State to become a leading actor in the new global energy policy. Throughout the article we discuss whether the country has lost the opportunity to become a world energy power.
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    La catastrophe radioactive de Goiânia au Brésil: conflits sur l’interpréation d’un déastre, comment vivre aprè?
    (2015) Silva, Telma Camargo da
    Le conflit d’interprétation, associé aux aspects de la santé, de la contamination radioactive et des indemnisations, est toujours d’actualité dans le monde. Dans cette analyse, l’auteure avance que les expériences subjectives apportées par les récits construits par les survivants du désastre de Goiânia, au Brésil, défient les identités et les frontières définies par la biomédecine pour encadrer cette catastrophe.
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    “Soldado é superior ao tempo”: da ordem militar à experiência do corpo como locus de resistência
    (1998-10) Silva, Telma Camargo da
    In 1997, ten years after the Goiânia Radiological Disaster, a group of police officers claims their 1987 work on the Cesium-137 contaminated areas as the cause of their illnesses. Based on the body contamination representations and on the police officers everyday experiences of power confrontation, this paper examines the notions of radiation illness and resistance engendered in disaster context. I argue that the police officer’s everyday practices of resistance through the symbolic use of their body point out to the disclosure of new forms of the “political body”. Thus, I review the Foucauldian assumption of biomedical control of bodies in context where there is individuals’ struggle against the power of the medical knowledge.
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    Registro fotográfico e a dinâmica das negociações na construção da etnografia: minhas experiências com a pesquisa “Bonecas Karajá”
    (2013-06) Silva, Telma Camargo da
    This article presents and analyzes aspects involved in the agreement for capture and in the return of photographs made in the research which constitutes the documentation for the registry of Karaja dolls as Patrimônio Cultural do Brasil.The methodological use of the photographic image deepened dialogue, exposed tensions and revealed subjectivities. I argue that the dynamics of the negotiations resulting from structural features of the study group questions the norms laid down by the Comitês de Ética em Pesquisa. The ethnographic evidence suggests that the separated steps of authorization, capture and return of image merge into continuous negotiation process with the stakeholders involved.
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    Tracing identities through interconnections: the biological body, intersubjective experiences and narratives of suffering
    (2015) Silva, Telma Camargo da
    The 1987 radioactive disaster in Goiânia – a ‘critical event’ – revealed the formation of new identities in opposition to the notion of radioacidentados (radiation victims), a classification established by the system of nuclear expertise and defined exclusively by the person’s absorption of high-level doses of radiation. In the search to give meaning to their illness and suffering, new social subjects have emerged and elaborated new interpretations concerning the materiality of contaminated bodies. In narrating their subjective experiences, they situate their identities as victims in relation to the embodied experience of the contaminated site and the attribution of new meanings to certain objects associated with the disaster itself and nuclear technology in general. The text focuses on this articulation between the biological body, narratives, memory, ‘things’ and the constitution of social identities. It provides a historical analysis, supported by a multivocal ethnography of the Cesium-137 disaster.
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    Modos de ver e viver o cinema: etnografia da recepção fílmica e seus desafios
    (2014-06) Souza, Maria Luiza Rodrigues
    Cinema might be an object of anthropological study in at least three ways: seeking to understand the context of film production; by means of an anthropology of film narrative and film representations; or also by means of reception studies. Taking into consideration that these possibilities might be combined in numerous ways, this article discusses film reception and its challenges for ethnography of cinema, as audiences experience it. The main questions concern how cinema is lived and understood by people who occupy different subject and social positions. Instead of understanding the film itself, it is about understanding how film narrative is conceived by spectators. This article focuses on questions about what one can do in a research which aims to develop an ethnography of the interpretation of film narrative by specific audiences, asking what are the relationships between ethnographic method and the methodologies employed in the studies of film reception. How can the anthropological approach contribute to research on how images, sounds and film narratives are (re)signified? To discuss the proposed issues, I present preliminary results of an ongoing research about the beliefs, behaviors and perceptions of a heterogeneous group of people regarding films.
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    La historia en la basura: los archivos perdidos de Donald Pierson
    (2010-12) Lima, Roberto Cunha Alves de
    This paper reconstructs and interprets the process that culminated with the destruction of field data archive that the team of Donald Pierson (1900-1995) collected in its investigation on San Francisco River. This archive consisted of several thousands of typed cards, with information collected by 22 researchers who were coordinated by Pierson on a research that included ten cities placed throughout San Francisco River Valley in the 1950’s. Among other aspects, it discuses the disregard of the entity that held the archive in custody, the underestimation of the author in the historiography of Brazilian Anthropology, closely linked to the criticism of community studies, and the vulnerability of Brazilian archives.
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    Mundar o sertão: ou quando o Jaguaribe virou açude no Ceará
    (2008-12) Lima, Roberto Cunha Alves de
    Starting form the conflicts for the implementation of Castanhão dam in Jaguaribe river, sertão of Ceará-BR, I propose a reading of the displacement and resettlement of the population of 20.000 people who used to live there, beginning from the associated meanings to the term worlding, coined by Gayatri Spivak, confronting it to interviews carried through dwellers of many communities along Jaguaribe river margins that had their lands submerged by Castanhão dam. This is going to implicate the discussion of the process of silence of voices that happened parallel to the evacuation of the area and construction of the referred dam, and at the same time, tryto think in the rising possibilities by an active social movement in this region – the “Movimento dos atingidos por Barragens, MAB” – to produce other version of this history through speeches and local cartography, that were violently demolished, deforest and submersed in name of a strange deity called progress.
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    Mesoamérica-sertão um pouco de análise mítica
    (2015-07) Lima, Roberto Cunha Alves de
    In this article I intend to quickly expose two examples of nation’s imaginary construction developed in the two largest Latin America nation-states, Brazil and Mexico. It is considered that sertão and mesoamerica are two myths of the construction of these two nationstates, respectively. Starting from some narrative fragments, I chose and analyzed some mythemes, in their chains of relationships, to show similarities and differences between these two founding myths. In the end, they are noticed as parts of a larger myth: from the conquest, colonialism and modernity.
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    A proteção da cultura ao sujeito transeunte: uma entrevista com Jorge Terena
    (2008-04) Pechincha, Mônica Thereza Soares
    The article aims at presenting the interpretation of Jorge Terena of the circumstances of his premature entrance and lasting insertion into the evangelical world and of his definitive break with the belief and with the mission. The arising analysis has in mind, as basic themes, anthropoligical controversies around the question of the indigenous conversion as well as the relaltionship between religious transit and decolonization.