Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on the abundance and cell size of planktonic nanoflagellate communities

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Associação Brasileira de Limnologia


Aim: We experimentally investigated the effects of nutrients (Nitrogen and Phosphorus) enrichment on the density, biomass, and cell size of pigmented and heterotrophic plankton nanoflagellates communities. Methods: The experiment was done in mesocosms in a tropical reservoir during a 19-day period. Four different treatments were carried out: Control (non-nutrient addition - C), phosphorus additions (P), nitrogen addition (N) and phosphorus + nitrogen addition (N + P). Each treatment was performed in triplicate, sorted randomly, thus giving a total of 12 experimental carboys, which were placed transversely in the middle of the reservoir. Results: In general, pigmented and heterotrophic nanoflagellates fractions responded to nutrient addition, increasing densities and biomass values at the fertilized treatments. Opposed to expected, enriched treatments resulted in a slight decrease in mean cell size of the pigmented fraction. Moreover, in nutrient-rich treatments, pigmented nanoflagellates had higher relative abundance than in the control. Conclusions: Our results indicate that: i) the density and biomass of nanoflagellates responded to the nutrient enrichment, mainly when N and P were added together; ii) the pigmented and heterotrophic fractions showed distinct time responses to fertilization; iii) the growth of nanoflagellate community seems to be co-limited by N and P; iv) the nutrient enrichment led to a greater pigmented than heterotrophic fraction contribution; and v) among the analyzed variables, nanoflagellate densities seem to be more sensitive to changes in nutrient availability than biomass or mean cell size.



Plankton, Protozoa, Fertilization, Mesocoms, Plâncton, Protozoários, Fertilização, Mesocosmos


PEREIRA, Danielle Goeldner; TÔHA, Fábio Amodêo Lansac; PAULETO, Gustavo Mayer; BINI, Luis Mauricio; VELHO, Luiz Felipe Machado. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on the abundance and cell size of planktonic nanoflagellate communities. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia, Rio Claro, v. 24, n. 4, p. 427-437, Oct./Dec. 2012.