Influência de diferentes níveis de ferro dextran no desempenho de leitões

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Antônio Henrique Garcia


Tha present invastigation waa carried out in the Experimental Farm in the Country of Falixlêndia. Minas Gerais Stata end had tha objactiva of studying tha influence of intramuacular injections of different levels of iron tex tran in the davalopmant of piglets. avaluatad at 21 and daya of age. Sixtean litters from Larga White sows. from a herd of 120 sows and 6 boare. wera usad 1n thsse exper! menta. For aach traatment ir wae usad 4 littars as follow: Tl - 100 mg of iron dextran givan at tha third day of ag&J T2 - 50 mg of iron dextran given at tha third and at the sixth day Qf 81BJ l3 - 100 mg of iron dextran given at the third at the 12th at th e day of ageJ l4 • 50 mg of iron dextran given at the third, sixth , 9 th and at the 12th day fo age. The treatmant 2 had e battar result concerning to a wai&ht gain whether evaluated at 21 ar et 35 daya of age. lha evarage wight obse!. ved at 35 daya ahowed that traatment l end 2 better reaults th an the othar treatmenta. lhe resulta indicatad that a 100 mg of 1ron dextran whan injacted in only ona dose Cll) ar in two separata doses ware the treatmants which got the bettar aults in relation to weight gain, when evaluated at the days of age.




NUNES, Romão da Cunha; LOPES, Eurípedes Laurindo; MARCHATTI NETO, Alberto; CAVALCANTI, Sergito da Souza. Influência de diferentes níveis de ferro dextran no desempenho de leitões. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 11, n. 1, p.77-82, jan./dez. 1981. Disponível em: <>.