Comportamento das populações de aphidius sp. (braconidae­ hymenoptera) e brevicoryne brasmae (L, 1778) ( aphididae ­homoptera) em diferentes cultivares de repolho em condições de campo

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Antônio Henrique Garcia


The behavior of Apidius sp. and B. brassicae populations on cabbage cultivars Kobayashi, Roxo, Chato de Quintal, Coração de Boi and Matsukase were studied in natural field conditions. Monthly sample were collected from August to December 1995. Leaf discs measuring 6.1 cm' were taken from sites showing higher aphid concentration from each 􀃃 infected leaf Toe percentage of parasitized insects was detennined by the number of mummified aphids among the total on each leaf disc. Although Roxo and Kobayashi cultivares showed the higher aphid infestation, they were the less parasitized by Aphidius sp., with 23.3% and 25% parasitism, respectively. Coração de Boi and Chato de Quintal cultivars were the less infested by the aphid, but showed the highest parasitoid populations, as 51.7% and 67.5% respectively. Toe lower aphid and parasitoid populations were observed on Matsukase cultivar. Chato de Quintal, Coração de Boi and Matsukase cultivars present high aphid and parasitoid populations in August, which decrease in September and December and rose in October and November. 0n Kobayashi and Roxo, cultivars both populations increased until November and decreased in December. Generally, higher B. brassicae andAphidius sp. populations were found during August, October and November. The average parasitism in ali cultivars was 36%. Toe higher parasitism levei was 55.8 observed August.



Parasitismo, Aphidius, Brevicoryne brassicae, Comportamento, Parasitism, Behavior


GARCIA, Antonio Henrique; CATTINI, Guilhenne Porta. Comportamento das populações de aphidius sp. (braconidae­ hymenoptera) e brevicoryne brasmae (L, 1778) ( aphididae­homoptera) em diferentes cultivares de repolho em condições de campo. ). Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 25, n. 2, p. 155-160, jul./dez. 1995. Disponível em: <>.