Créditos de carbono e a internacionalização do etanol de região de cerrado

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The article analyzes the process of greenhouse gas (GEG) emissions into the atmosphere, as well as how this situation has traced an uncertain future for the planet’s climate. Besides the burnings, the use of fossil fuels has been viewed as the greatest anti-hero behind such emissions, especially CO2. A review of thematic literature shows that the cultivation of sugarcane is a strong alternative to fossil fuels, and also, a means to obtaining renewable energy and enhancing companies that commercialize carbon credit through subproducts of the ethanol and sugar productions in a sustainable development perspective. This study intends to contribute to a critical view on the expansion of the sugarcane crop, and on its internalization through carbon credit and its social and environmental challenges. Furthermore, our results indicate that carbon credits have become one more source of profit among many, and not at all a solution to the problem of emissions.



Cana-de-açúcar, Desenvolvimento sustentável, Crédito de carbono, Sugarcane, Sustainable development, Carbon credit


PIETRAFESA, José Paulo; SANTOS, José Mateus dos. Créditos de carbono e a internacionalização do etanol de região de cerrado. Campo-Território: revista de geografia agrária, Uberlândia, v. 9, n. 17, p. 515-539, abr. 2014