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    Qualidade, e-cidadania e educação a distância: uma relação possível
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-29) Lima, Daniela da Costa Britto Pereira
    This study is part of a national and international research network on the regulation and quality of distance education (EaD) and aims to understand and relate e-citizenship with quality as important elements in the development of the guarantee of development of EaD in a socially referenced perspective. For this, a bibliographical survey was carried out in the international repository Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), considering the period 2019-2023. It was concluded that the inclusion of e-citizenship as one of the socially referenced quality indicators in EaD is relevant, due to the similarity of its concepts and purposes in the formation of the emancipated professional citizen.
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    Adorno e a dialética do amor não-idêntico: barbárie ou humanização
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-01) Zanolla, Sílvia Rosa da Silva
    Love in Adorno goes beyond the subjectivist and romantic sense and considers the contradictions inherent to the theory of knowledge, constituting a source of ideological social representation, mediated by the relationship between subject and object. For this text, its contradictions amount to a cultural construction permeated by a negative dialectic. kindness, solidarity, justice and democracy. Such values, if demystified, postulate opposition to the coldness, totalitarianism and horror of Nazism and fascism; non-identical and formative experience with a view to a conscious, emancipated and humanist society, which recognizes risks of alienation and inversion of the whole into totalitarianism, democracy instead of pseudo-democracy. Conscious, true and critical loves are transposed into immanent social action.
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    Mídias, cultura e formação
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-12-30) Rodrigues, Cleide Aparecida Carvalho; Lima, Daniela da Costa Britto Pereira
    This article is the result of a literature review undertaken by the author in the ‘Study and Research of new Technologies and Education’ group in the Department of Education at the Universidade Federal de Goiás. The aim of this group is to reflect on the possibility of Pedagogy students relating the different theoretical aspects involved in the media with the cultural experiences they provide so that they can later think out this relationship pedagogically. This reflection is based on a multiple concept of media as “means of communication” and cultural matrices, as culture related to a system of meanings and to the image of constructing identity; and as human formation which is established in the relationship between formal and informal, and through different languages. Its sets out to reflect on this trilogy using the relationship between theory and practice of cultural media experiences in teacher formation processes.
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    As musicalidades das rodas de capoeira: investigação de um campo de saber/poder(?)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-04-19) Real, Márcio Penna Corte
    This paper analyzes the roles of the musicality of capoeira. It uses the idea of field in its analysis of the contradiction between the intercultural educational potential of the musicality in/of capoeira and the possibility of its becoming a motive for dispute between its agents. As the thread of the argumentative plot, it highlights the idea of capoeira circles as an allegory for the method presented. The data used are aspects of the stories of capoeira masters who lived in Salvador, Bahia, between 1890 and 1994; and interviews conducted over three months of fieldwork in the city. The study produced contributions for research on the teaching-learning process of the musicality and the building of teachers’ knowledge in non-formal spaces, understood as fields of knowledge and power.
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    As relações de gênero no corpo: olhares de estudantes de licenciatura em educação física
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-12-05) Evangelista, Kelly Cristiny Martins; Baptista, Tadeu João Ribeiro
    Seeking to identify how gender issues cross and constitute relationships, this work aims to analyze how gender relations have been treated, from the body perspective, by undergraduate students of Physical Education in the city of Goiânia. This is a descriptive cross-sectional study, and the research was done at two Physical Education courses of public institutions of Goiânia. In order to collect data it was used the technique questionnaire, applied to 24 academics. The study demonstrates that even though some people exhibit gender and sexuality behaviors distinct from the traditional, it seems this process of education has not reached its relationship with body culture practices.
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    O processo de mediação de leitura literária na educação básica
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-03-12) Santana, Alba Crishiane; Andrade, Larissa Magalhães Correia
    This article aims to present a study about the characteristics of pedagogical mediation developed in the teaching of literary reading in the context of a public school in Goiânia. The pedagogical mediation is understood as teaching conditions proposed by the teacher, forms of use of different cultural mediators and the type of relationship established with the students. A qualitative research was carried out, through observation of literature classes, questionnaires and interviews with teachers and students. The results showed characteristics of mediation that can contribute to the formation of the reader, with emphasis on aspects related to teaching procedures and the relationship between teacher and students, as well as requirements of investments in training process of literature teachers.
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    As práticas e representações de leitura na cidade de Goiânia (1937– 1960)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-06-28) Melo, Orlinda Maria de Fátima Carrijo
    In this study, reading practices and representations in Goiânia for the 1933- 1960 period are analyzed. Based on the narrative of the transfer of the capital of Goiás, certain questions are raised: Where did reading take place in that period? Who used to read? How did people use to read? What did they use to read? When did they use to read? To what extent did the amount of printed material (books, magazines, newspapers, almanacs, pamphlets) influence the social imaginary and the educational process of that time? What representations and images did readers have of reading? This set of questions, with Cultural History as a basis, led to a reflection on the values attributed to reading and reading institutions in a city planned according to principles of modernity, progress and urban culture.
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    A escuta na formação inicial de professores de ciências: um olhar para educação de jovens e adultos (EJA)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-06-06) Santos, Sayonara Martins dos; Guimarães, Simone Sendin Moreira
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    Neoliberalismo: escola como reprodutora das desigualdades
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-04-30) Firmino, Isabella Kethuly Spindola
    Este trabajo pretende analizar el neoliberalismo como uno de los factores que llevan a la producción de concepciones de fracaso escolar. Lo objectivo es discutir cómo se introducen los ideales neoliberales en el ámbito escolar, haciendo que se reproduzcan las relaciones sociales, políticas y económicas en la escuela. Además, para entender cómo estos ideales transforman el significado de la escuela. Lo que se refere a medologia, se trata de una investigación bibliográfica dividida en dos momentos: explicar las bases del Neoliberalismo y sus desdoblamientos, y seguidamente, presentar artículos que demuestran concepciones de fracaso y abordan temas que se refieren al ideal neoliberal. A partir de la investigación, se pudo constatar que el eje fundamental que vincula dichos conceptos es la reproducción de la desigualdad social en la escuela.
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    Educação e crise da autoridade na perspectiva de Hannah Arendt
    (2007-12) Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de
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    “Velhice? Acho ótima, considerando a alternativa”: reflexões sobre velhice e humor
    (2011-12) Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de; Viana, Terezinha de Camargo; Lazzarini, Eliana Rigotto
    This article aims to articulate the sense of humor and old age from a psychoanalytic perspective. Today’s society, marked by the spectacle and the cult of beauty and youth, reaffirms the three sources of psychological distress discussed by Freud. In the present context, the elderly is almost in a place of non-existent. The elderly is still regarded as a person who existed in the past, made his own psychosocial pathway and now only expects the moment of death. Thus, old people are released in the past to revisit it through their memories, but without the possibility of re-articulate and re-launch themselves in the future. Furthermore, the current association between old age with decrepitude withdraws from the elderly the possibility of elaboration of future projects and has an impact in their psychic dynamics. Given this, three psychic styles portray the way the elderly cope and manage this impasse: depression, paranoia and mania. However, there are alternative ways to confront the finitude of life and rescue his place in existence. One such form is ironic humor that has as focus a look inward and outward. These ironic looks can provoke laughter in relation to ones’ own problems, but also boost the individual to face reality and move on. Bringing the concept of ironic humor to concepts already developed by post Freudian psychoanalysts that have studied the aging process is a challenge. Erikson with his concept of wisdom is among these authors. This psychosocial force also involves a double look and seems to walk along the ironic humor as an alternative way to experience old age.
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    Envolvimento vital: um desafio da velhice
    (2011) Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de; Coelho, Vera Lúcia Decnop; Günther, Isolda de Araújo
    The present essay intends to examine the human aging through Erik Erikson’s psychosocial development theory. It is postulated that the consolidation of identity includes the individual and the culture as well. Coping with old age losses and facing death with serenity demand life revision and acceptance of past mistakes. In this way, previous conflicts may reappear, overcome or not, and the despair with finitude may emerge. However, if the aged person achieves wisdom and life involvement, ego integrity will be consolidated and despair will vanish. In this sense, the psychosocial environment is essential. The article brings a new comprehension on Erik Erikson’s essays about old age and enhance some of his main concepts. Moreover, the authors present counterpoints to theories on aging, as well as proposals for actions towards the elderly
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    A arte de envelhecer: um estudo exploratório sobre a história de vida e o envelhecimento
    (2011) Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de; Coelho, Vera Lúcia Decnop
    The present study, based on the life cycle epigenetic model and lifespan psychology, was designed to (1) understand aspects of the aging process from eight elders’ life stories, (2) investigate the way selective optimization with compensation strategies and vital involvement aspects appear in old age as well as (3) the contributions of generativity and social participation to the aging process. The subjects participated in a semi-structured interview. A qualitative analysis of the data pointed out the influence of several factors on the construction of a successful aging such as generativity, social participation and relationship with their children and grandchildren. Factors such as stagnation and lack of social involvement seem to contribute to the development of psychopathology symptoms.
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    Estética e poética da velhice em narrativas autobiográficas: um estudo à luz da psicanálise
    (2015) Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de; Viana, Terezinha de Camargo; Lima, Sostenes Cezar de
    This study aims to investigate, under the lens of psychoanalysis, the (re) construction of the self in old age. The autobiographical writing points to a poetic and esthetic of the self while building itself, and allows the subject seeks in its history tools to re-enroll in the present. Another highlight is the relation of the elderly with time. The perception of the finitude of life emphasizes the feeling of helplessness and distress. The remembrance may arise as a way to deal with such distress. We conclude that the subject poiesis enabled by the writing of itself might help him to deal with the present and projecting himself into the future. This can (re) open ways for a reconstruction of the social and symbolic place of the elder.
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    Model endophenotype for bipolar disorder: qualitative analysis, etiological factors, and research areas
    (2014) Tavares, Naraiana de Oliveira; Neves, Fernando da Silva; Malloy-Diniz, Leandro Fernandes
    The aim of this study is to present an up dated view of the writings on the endo phenotype model for bipolar disorder using analytical methodologies. A review and analysis of networks was performed through descriptors and keywords that characterize the composition of the en dophenotype model as a model of health. Information was collected from between 1992 and 2014, and the main thematic areas covered in the articles were identi fied. We discuss the results and question their cohesion, emphasizing the need to strengthen and identify the points of con nection between etiological factors and characteristics that make up the model of endophenotypes for bipolar disorder.
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    As vivências: questões de tradução, sentidos e fontes epistemológicas no legado de Vigotski
    (2010) Toassa, Gisele; Souza, Marilene Proença Rebello de
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    Sociedade tarja preta: uma crítica à medicalização de crianças e adolescentes
    (2012-08) Toassa, Gisele
    This text is a book´s review towards the first edition of “Medicalization of children and adolescents: conflicts silenced by the reduction of social issues to diseases of individuals”, which discusses the publication´s relevance as a criticism of (psycho) pathologies and their treatments. The book succeeds in rigorously deconstructing the “science” that legitimates the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), exposing how the pharmaceutical industry has been systematically concealing the profound collateral effects of the methylphenidate, the drug which treats it. The publication also presents papers by health and education practitioners, representing a remarkable effort directed to change the child/adolescent health care and education.
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    Certa unidade no sincrético: considerações sobre educação, reeducação e formação de professores na “Psicologia pedagógica” de L. S. Vygotsky
    (2013-09) Toassa, Gisele
    Some unit in miscellaneous: Considerations about education, reeducation and teachers´ formation in the book “Pedagogical Psychology” by LS Vygotsky. This study, which compared a Brazilian edition of the “Pedagogical Psychology” with the original in Russian, aims to highlight some original contributions of this book, published by LS Vygotsky in 1926. This article discusses some of the author´s concerns with an active and free education, taken up in a psychology marked by crisis and restructuration. Being affected by this conjuncture, the “Pedagogical Psychology”´s content is characterized for a “miscellany” of ideas, positions and divergent influences. With analysis of basic ideas and objectives presented in the material, this article seeks to extract some “unity in miscellaneous” by which the author, in mechanistic language, argues about education as human formation and educator, as an artist or fighter, valuing the environment´s role in its effectiveness, and also works in notions similar to “drama” and “crisis” of development.