O programa Image J como ferramenta de análise morfométrica de feridas cutâneas


The morphometric method is widely used for the measurement of wounds, however, the use of rulers may generate inaccurate results, facilitates the contamination of the wound and cause discomfort to the animal during the measurement. In this context, the image analyzer program Image J could be a promising tool to measurement of skin wounds. The aim of this study was to determine if the digital morphometric analysis by Image J is efficient in the measurement of skin wounds in comparison with the basic mathematical method of measuring. It was used six New Zealand rabbits healthy. The animals were anesthetized and a wound was made on the dorsum of each animal with a circular metal punch. The wounds were measured by two methods: mathematical method established by the equation A = π.Rr, A = total area, π = 3.14, R = greater radius wound, r = smaller radius wound, representing the group I (GI), and measurement of the wound by the program Image J, Group II (GII). The average of the area measured was 0.72 cm2 0.66 cm2 GI and GII, with no statistical difference between groups. Despite the lack of difference between the methods, measurement of the wound area by Image J provided accurate values as the basic mathematical method, without bringing contamination risks or discomfort to the animal. Furthermore, the lack of statistical difference demonstrates that the Image J can replace the mathematical method without losses and reduce the subjectivity of the results.



Cicatrização, Diagnóstico por imagem, Fotografia digital, Planimetria digital, Diagnostic imaging, Digital planimetry, Digital photography, Wound healing


RODRIGUES, Danilo Ferreira; MENDES, Fernanda Figueiredo; DIAS, Taís Andrade; LIMA, Arielly Rodrigues de; SILVA, Luiz Antônio Franco da. O programa Image J como ferramenta de análise morfométrica de feridas cutâneas. Enciclopédia Biosfera, Goiânia, v. 9, n. 17, p. 1995-1963, dez. 2013.