Hernioplastia experimental em coelhos por meio de cartilagem auricular bovina conservada em glutaraldeído


The auricular cartilage preserved in 4% glutaraldehyde was used for experimental hernioplasty in six male, adult, New Zealand rabbits. To create an incision hernia, an elliptic tissue fragment three centimeter-long and one-centimeter wide was removed at a point centrally located from the first incision, embracing fascia and muscle tissue, from the area of umbilical scar. Animals were euthanized, two at a time, 15, 30, or 45 days after surgery. In the animals euthanized after 15 days focal areas of inflammation were observed, characterized by abscesses and fistulas. The histological section showed areas of inflammation and necrosis next to the periphery of the graft. In the animals euthanized after 30 days, there was no evidence of clinical alterations. Microscopic diagnosis of one of these animals showed intense fibroblastic proliferation, moderate neovascularization and inflammatory cells, predominantly mononuclear. One of the animals submitted to euthanasia at 45 days presented at necropsy adherence of bowel to the graft and impaired reconstitution of the parietal peritoneum. It is possible to infer that the grafted material presented satisfactory compatibility with the receptor tissue. Thus, it may be concluded that auricular bovine cartilage grafts preserved in 4% glutaraldehyde in experimental hernioplasty in rabbits presented evidence of good tissue integration and healing, with no elimination of the grafted material.



Coelho, Hérnia incisional, Lagomorfos, Cirurgia experimental, Rabbit, Incisional hernia, Experimental surgery


SILVA, L. A. F.; FRANCO, L. G.; MENEZES, L. B.; Moura, V. M. B. D.; BERNARDES, K. M.; SOUZA, M. A. Hernioplastia experimental em coelhos por meio de cartilagem auricular bovina conservada em glutaraldeído. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Belo Horizonte, v. 61, n. 3, p. 606-612, 2009.