Diferenças entre os gêneros na assistência técnica e extensão rural realizada por médicos veterinários: paradigma ou preconceito


The Veterinary Medicine is a relatively old profession. In some countries or regions, even in modern times, veterinary women still find obstacles in the profession. This study aimed to evaluate if there are differences between genders in veterinary Technical Assistance as well as in Rural Extension and analyzes whether the results can be considered a paradigm or a prejudice. The research was developed in 100 farms in 26 municipalities in the state of Goias. The farms prepawere administrated by different genders and profiles. A questionnaire was applied to farmers involving five topics: differences between genders, professional organization, interpersonal relationship, physical strength and technical knowledge. In the interviewees’ opinion, men were considered to have more ability for tasks which require physical strength; and women were considered to have more ability than men when the task involves organization. Regarding the other topics (interpersonal relationship, technical knowledge and differences between genders) both professionals were equivalent, because the majority of the interviewees claimed not to have preference for gender. Therefore, it was concluded that the differences between genders in Technical Assistance and Rural Extension performed by veterinarians were identified when it comes to physical strength and organization. In topics preference between men or women, interpersonal relationship and technical knowledge, there was not distinction between the genders. Then, the differences between genders can be considered a paradigm and not a prejudice.



Extensionista, Homem, Medicina Veterinária, Mulher, Produtor rural, Extension agent, Man, Veterinary medicine, Woman, Farmer


FREITAS, Sabrina Lucas Ribeiro de; ABREU, Morgana Pontes; MESQUITA, Gabriella Riad Iskandar; JAIME, Valéria de Sá; GORDO, João Maurício Lucas; SILVA, Luiz Antônio Franco da. Diferenças entre os gêneros na assistência técnica e extensão rural realizada por médicos veterinários: paradigma ou preconceito. Revista Ceres, Viçosa, v. 61, n. 1, p. 1-8, jan./fev. 2014.