Cômodo e a difícil tarefa de substituir Marco Aurélio: poder e legitimidade

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From an analysis of works The Roman Empire History after Marcus Aurelius of Herodian and Roman History of Cassius Dio, we propose to examine how these two authors presented the government of Commodus. In the Roman Empire, each sovereign who ascended to power was forced to redo the provincial agreements and the patronage and amicitia relations with senatorial and equestrian orders, with armed men and members of the plebs. Each Emperor had to restore order, ensure the abundance and gain authority. Even the rulers who succeeded considered good Emperors, like Marcus Aurelius, had to reorganize their political al- liances in order to govern. We intend to demonstrate this by analyzing the government of Commodus, Marcus ́ son and inheritor.



Império romano, Poder, Cômodo, Marco Aurélio, Sucessão, Roman empire, Power, Commodus, Marcus Aurelius, Succession


GONÇALVES, Ana Teresa Marques. Cômodo e a difícil tarefa de substituir Marco Aurélio: poder e legitimidade. Phoinix, Rio de Janeiro, v. 18, n. 1, p. 112-133, 2012.