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    Contribuições da didática da história para reflexões acerca da presença das tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação no currículo
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-12) Freire Junior, Josias José
    This text aims to reflect on the concepts of digital communication and information technologies (DICT), and their relationships with the teaching of History present in the curricular document of the State of Goiás for High School. The aim is to discuss what type of history it is possible to learn with the concepts of TDIC present in the aforementioned official curriculum. To this end, questions will be presented concerning the themes of education and technologies, and the teaching of history and technologies, as well as the perspective of History Didactics from which the proposed discussion is developed and why it is understood that such a perspective is suitable for this debate. Afterwards, the discussion will be contextualized within the scope of debates on the curriculum, based on the official curricular experience of the State of Goiás. At the end, it will reflect on the role of History teaching in understanding discussions that arise from different fields, but they share general concerns about the relationships between science and life, as well as the challenges of integrating these different fields.
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    O conceito de emancipação durante a mudança paradigmática da didática da história alemã
    (2021) Teixeira, Rafael Saddi
    From the 1970s, during the so-called “paradigm shift in German didactics of history”, the concept of emancipation emerged as a fundamental idea of the new didactics of history in West German. Several authors from this period, such as Annette Kuhn, Bergmann, Pandel, Süssmuth, Jung, Staehr, Rüsen understood that the didactics of history was related to this idea of Enlightenment tradition. For some of them, emancipation was the central objective of the didactics of history. With the concept of historical consciousness, the teaching of history in West Germany gained clarity about the specificity of the formation produced by the teaching of history. The concept of emancipation made it possible to connect this peculiar formation with a general formation, linking history not only with the other disciplines of the human sciences, but also with the processes of transformation of social reality, without thereby losing the peculiarity of historical learning.
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    O canteiro aberto como espaço de luto em lugares de memórias sensíveis: o caso da matriz de Pirenópolis. Goiás (Brasil)
    (2022) Vargas, Lorena da Silva; Campos, Yussef Daibert Salomão de
    La realización de obras abiertas permite la participación de grupos locales en los procesos de construcción, restauración, recalificación o reconstrucción de una propiedad determinada. Se caracteriza por ser una práctica de educación patrimonial, pero sus beneficios se despliegan cuando se trata de intervenciones en lugares de recuerdos sensibles, sucumbidos por eventos traumáticos. En este artículo proponemos la reflexión de la obra abierta como espacio de duelo en situaciones sensibles, teniendo como objeto de estudio la Matriz de Pirenópolis, incendiada en 2002. Discutiremos la dinámica adoptada por la obra en ese contexto y cómo la participación activa de los habitantes en los trabajos de restauración contribuyó al proceso de duelo y redefinición del patrimonio. Por tanto, la noción de espacio junto con la de lugar nos permitirá percibir el entorno como un repositorio de valores intrínsecos y extrínsecos, atribuidos por la comunidad titular del bien cultural, a través de procesos de resemantización y resignificación, construidos dialógicamente por conflictos en torno a la memoria.
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    História em tempos de crise: anticientificismos, revisionismos, negacionismos
    (2022) Campos, Raquel Machado Gonçalves
    Prepared to present the theme of the XIX UFG History Week - "History in times of crisis: anti-scientism, revisionism, denialism" - this text was read at the Opening Table of the event, which took place online on December 7, 2020. It is structured from the establishment of a parallel between two moments of crisis: on the one hand, the period between the end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 2000s, when took place a crisis of the scientific paradigm of history; and, on the other hand, the current situation, which can be characterized by a crisis of confidence in science as a value. This parallel offers not only a way of highlighting the specificities of each of these two moments, but also of presenting the perspective of the Organizing Committee of the XIX History Week: to face the current crisis, historians must look for a dialogue beyond the borders of history and, even more, beyond the borders of human sciences.
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    Celebridade e política do nome próprio: a historicidade do renome em Machado de Assis
    (2016) Campos, Raquel Machado Gonçalves
    Responding to the invitation implicit in the title “A famous man” [“Um homem célebre”], Machado de Assis’ short story is discussed in light of the problem of the historicity of celebrity. Far from having always existed or being a very recent phenomenon, the celebrity – as demonstrated by Antoine Lilti – is a new form of renown, brought about in the second half of the eighteenth century, in a context of crisis of aristocratic societies, and of opening of a public space. Such perspective leads to associate the story of conductor Pestana to “John Doe” [“Fulano”] – a narrative about an authentic expert in the art of self-promotion, adept of a true “politics of proper name” – rather than to the author’s other short stories with music-related themes. By analyzing the two short stories, and comparing Pestana and John Doe to some of Machado’s characters obsessed with glory – Brás Cubas, Janjão’s father (“Medallion Theory”), and Santos (Esau and Jacob) – we seek to demonstrate the existence of a reflection on the historicity of renown in Machado’s writing.
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    Circulação internacional de pesquisadores brasileiros: o caso da área de história
    (2021) Salomon, Marlon Jeison; Magalhães, Marcelo de Souza
    The article collates and presents a wide range of data on the international circulation of doctoral students and researchers belonging to the Brazilian historiographical community funded by the Brazilian Federal Agency for the Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education, through doctoral grants with international internship and post-doctoral grants. It analyzes the annual records of scholarships awarded from 1998 to 2017, observing how they changed over time and the annual percentage of scholarship holders abroad. It compares the total number of scholarships in History and in other disciplines. Lastly, it lists the main countries and institutions where these individuals studied. It notes that this discipline follows the same path as Brazilian science abroad.
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    Nomes antigos, caracteres modernos: tradição retórico-poética e modernidade literária em Machado de Assis
    (2022) Campos, Raquel Machado Gonçalves
    The purpose of this article is to analyze how Machado de Assis appropriated the rhetorical-poetic tradition, rewrote and updated traditional poetic genres - in particular, the classic tragedy - through the use of antonomasia. The writer used this rhetorical procedure, which produces a double naming of the character, throughout his career, in the most diverse genres he practiced. Analyzing this occurrence in three short stories - “Virginius: narrative of a lawyer” (1864), “What are the girls” (1866), and “Pílades e Orestes” (1903), I intend to demonstrate the changes that went through the contradictory relationship between rhetorical- -poetic tradition and literary modernity in Machado de Assis. In the second pha se of his work, unlike what happened in the first, modern characters were taken as legitimate heirs to the old names. Using the names of the tragedy to translate the history of contemporary characters, Machado de Assis broke with the sepa ration of styles, typical of the rhetorical-poetic regime, and demonstrated his full adherence to the modern concept of literature.
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    Diagnóstico de um mal-estar historiográfico: os limites do conhecimento analítico-discursivo
    (2011) Valle, Ulisses do
    This article is composed with some reflections on the supra-empirical foundations of disciplinary knowledge generally applied to historiography, whether it is considered a science or not. The supra-empirical conditions designated by the concepts of meaning and value as well as the distinction between the practical significance of a theory or theoretical interpretation and their respective cognitive value, may clarify aspects of historical knowledge that immunize it of the guilt-consciousness generated by the fact of it to be held hostage to the discourse and language. Among them, the most urgent clarification corresponds to what it means, in History, "being caused."
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    Sérgio Buarque de Holanda leitor de Heidegger? – Reflexão sobre um paradoxo do personalismo do Homem cordial
    (2015) Valle, Ulisses do
    It is known that Sergio Buarque de Holanda, Brazilian essayist and historian, lived in Germany between the years 1929 and 1931, shortly after the publication of Being and Time by Martin Heidegger. Moreover, it is known that the German philosopher was also carefully read by Sérgio Buarque in the late 1940s, when the Brazilian historian was reviewing the original text of Roots of Brazil, published in 1936.Two hypotheses therefore form the basis of this study: the first, that it is possible to glimpse something of Heidegger’s philosophy at the thought of SérgioBuarque; and second, that this approach is relevant to unveil aspects little explored in the literary criticism of the theory of cordial man, namely his relationship with the externality and the evasion of self in the other, by constituting what would be a fundamental paradox of Brazilian personalism.
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    A escrita culinária em Minas Gerais no século XIX: o caderno de receitas de Plautina Nunes Horta
    (2021) Magalhães, Sônia Maria de
    This article analyzes the culinary recipe book of Mrs. Plautina Nunes Horta, who lives in the interior of Minas Gerais, which began to be written in 1896. It reveals the universe of a woman who achieved prominence in the social nucleus in which she lived through her homemade grocery stores. This type of domestic and private manuscript presents narratives of female personal experiences with no intention of publication, distinguishing itself by the free construction of the text and the absence of formal writing conventions. In this biographical act they endow the world around them with particular meanings, connected with their own lives, which in no way need to have any exceptional attribute to be worthy of being remembered.
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    A relação entre História e Sociologia no horizonte da conceitualização e da explicação dos objetos históricos: reflexões sobre o pensamento de Max Weber
    (2014) Valle, Ulisses do
    This paper discuss the relationship between the discipline of history and sociology from the thought of Max Weber. We intend to show how sociology plays a key role in the constitution of historical knowledge regarding two specific procedures: the appropriate characterization of individual historical entities, on the one hand, and the explanatory logic of the historical narrative, on the other. We will see how Weber then introduces sociology as a way to solve the intricate problem of interpenetration between the general and the particular in the representation and explanation of historical objects, in order to clarify the formal and methodological links between the two disciplines well understood. This paper discuss the relationship between the discipline of history and sociology from the thought of Max Weber. We intend to show how sociology plays a key role in the constitution of historical knowledge regarding two specific procedures: the appropriate characterization of individual historical entities, on the one hand, and the explanatory logic of the historical narrative, on the other. We will see how Weber then introduces sociology as a way to solve the intricate problem of interpenetration between the general and the particular in the representation and explanation of historical objects, in order to clarify the formal and methodological links between the two disciplines well understood.
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    Dr. Antônio Francisco de Azeredo: um médico do sertão no Brasil oitocentista
    (2017) Magalhães, Sônia Maria de
    The purpose of this article is to understand the characteristics of the medical career in the interior of Brazil in the nineteenth century through the study of Francisco Antonio de Azeredo’s trajectory (1815-1884), one of the most prominent physicians of Goiás province. As a doctor and intellectual of his time, he was carrying a mission that involved making the province overcome the socioeconomic crisis that characterized. Through medical thesis, forms, health, cultural, educational projects, Francisco Antônio de Azeredo sought to find ways to remove the region from a peripheral position, in relation to other provinces.
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    Cabra marcado para morrer: um filme entre história e memória
    (2017) Abdala Junior, Roberto
    Abstract: This paper is a research about the movie Cabra marcado para morrer (1984), the Brazilian filmmaker Eduardo Coutinho. The paper explores some possibilities to grasp the impact of the work at the time it goes public. It is a historiographical research study, taking the Didactic of History (RÜSEN) as a theoretical paradigm and use theories of Vygotsky, Bakhtin and Williams in an articulated, of way to demonstrate some of the procedures employed by the filmmaker are similar to those employed by historians. Thus, we investigated the possibilities to apprehend the relationships that the film set with the historical culture of the 1980s and as narrative can be considered a work “between memory and history,” approaching an audiovisual writing of history.
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    Estigmas, pesquisas e embates: uma história do pênfigo brasileiro, séculos XIX e XX
    (2021) Magalhães, Sônia Maria de; Castro, Doriam Erich de
    This paper presents a historical narrative about the incidence of pemphigus foliaceus in Brazil in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This autoimmune blistering skin disease is more common in children, adolescents, and young adults who live in rural areas of endemic regions. It was first described in Brazil in 1903 by the physician Caramuru Paes Leme. The main foci of the disease are in the Federal District and the states of Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Paraná, and São Paulo. This research topic, which has attracted widespread attention from medical practice, especially dermatology, has not received similar attention from historians of health and disease.
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    O fortalecimento da profissão médica e militar no Brasil: a trajetória de Thomaz Cardoso de Almeida (1809-1875)
    (2021) Silva, Leicy Francisca da; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de
    This article examines, through the evidential method, the trajectory of the Goiás Thomaz Cardoso de Almeida (1809-1875), who worked in various regions of Brazil as a military and civilian physician. The evidential paradigm, as well as the analysis in the microscopic scope, by Carlo Ginzburg, was the path adopted to understand the medical and military activity in the nineteenth century. The sources used are composed of reports produced by the physician, newspaper articles, and reports from provincial presidents. Although the documents related to our character's trajectory were not intended to explain how physicians, in general, proceeded towards professional advancement, achieving political benefits and obtaining results in their careers. These sources give us clues, which when interpreted and compared with others, allow us to point out their initiatives as being generalized procedures or that their performance was exemplary. His professional path permeates the strengthening of the profession in the country, at a time when a career pattern was developed in the process of affirmation of the medical elite as a social group. His journey, however, was not without its setbacks.
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    “Na forma que com tanta justiça se requer”: o direito de petição no contexto da Independência do Brasil
    (2022) Slemian, Andréa; Fernandes, Renata Silva
    In this article, we consider petitionary devices and its uses in the Independence of Brazil, taking into account both the contemporary political reflection on the meanings of what would come to be called the “right to petition” and the social practices it encompassed. To achieve this goal, we analyze, at first, the debates in the Lisbon Courts about constitutionalizing of the right to petition; then, the discussions in the Constituent Assembly of the Empire of Brazil in 1823, which focused, above all, on the processing and forwarding of petitions. Finally, based on the analysis of the Assembly's documentation, we present a proposal for categorizing the petitions and discuss the specific uses of the mechanism. We defend the hypothesis that the vast majority of petitions that reached the constituent deputies in Rio de Janeiro were, in fact, already known forms of petitioning in the Portuguese Ancien Régime; in addition, we shed light on the fact that many of them have not been processed, it´s a reflection of the overlapping of the projection of one “right to petition” by the existing petitioning practice.
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    O Conselho Ultramarino e as queixas e agravos do ultramar português (Minas Gerais, 1750-1808)
    (2022) Fernandes, Renata Silva
    This article intends to examine some of the types of complaints from which overseas subjects sought and often succeeded in securing the intercession of the monarch and his Overseas Council in the face of officers’ anti-legal conduct. Explaining these instruments requires identifying their configurations, considering the “condition” of the person who asked, the way in which they asked, the reasons why they asked, the “remedies” actually requested, and, last, but not least, the institutional procedures that gave rise to at the Overseas Council – aspects that may, as I will argue, be, to a large extent, backed by the institution’s documents and archives. To do so, I depart from the corpus of the institution relevant to the capitania of Minas Gerais in the second half of the 18th century. My focus will be the formal and institutional world, considering it as a relevant dimension for understanding the legal culture of the period and the devices from which the royal power, through its Overseas Council, was present in the overseas territories and exercised, directly or indirectly, a function of control, or at least, of tutelage and discipline over the official corps.