A rede política canavieira e seus recursos de poder em Goiás

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Alexsander Seleguini


In this article, the sugar cane political network in the Goiás State, Brazil, focusing on the power resources of its agents and on the informational asymmetry originated from contractual agreements, is analyzed. The field data were acquired via a combination of semistructured interviews and documental research. The sugar cane agribusiness holds resources of economic, political, technological, and legal power, which generate informational asymmetries in the sugar cane production chain, in the Goiás State. The informational asymmetry makes it difficult to fulfill agrarian agreements, as well as suppliers and their organizations demands.



Agroindústria canavieira, Contratos agrários, Assimetria de informações, Sugar cane agribusiness, Agrarian agreements, Information asymmetry


PICANÇO FILHO, Artêmio Ferreira; MARIN, Joel Orlando Bevilaqua. A rede política canavieira e seus recursos de poder em Goiás. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, Goiânia, v. 42, n. 2, p. 289-297, abr./jun. 2012. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/17425/11182>.